How to collect urine from laboratory animals?

  1. Collect urine through metabolic cage. Metabolic cage is used to collect urine naturally excreted by experimental animals. A closed breeding cage designed for collecting various excreta of experimental animals. Some metabolic cages can collect urine. You can also collect feces and carbon dioxide exhaled by animals. Generally, simple metabolic cages are mainly used to collect urine. Laboratory animals kept in metabolic cages can collect urine through special equipment.

  2. The catheter method is suitable for large animals, such as dogs and monkeys, to collect urine and insert a catheter. Normally, anesthesia is not required. During the catheterization process, the back of the experimental animal is fixed and the catheter is lubricated with glycerin. For male animals, the operator holds the penis with one hand and lifts the front skin of the penis with the other hand to expose the particles, open the urinary tract, and then slowly insert the catheter. There is resistance when pushing the catheter into the urethra. Feel and continue to push the catheter into the bladder, paying attention to gentle movements at this time. In other words, urine will flow out. The external opening of the female urinary tract is in the vestibule of the vagina, and during insertion of the catheter, the catheter is inserted into the external opening of the vagina on the ventral side of the vagina.

  Use a urinary catheter to collect uncontaminated urine. Strict aseptic operations can be performed, and sterile urine can be collected.

  3. Urine collection through urethral intubation is usually used in experiments that require accurate measurement of urine output per unit time of laboratory animals. After the peritoneum is cut, the bladder is pulled out of the abdominal cavity to expose the urinary tract on both sides of the bottom of the bladder. When ligating the urinary tract near the bladder on both sides with a thread, make a small notch above the urinary tract ligation site, insert a cannula containing physiological saline into the kidney, and fix the cannula with thread ligation. , You can see urine dripping from the sleeve. You can collect it. During the urine collection, the incision and bladder were covered with warm normal saline at 38°C.

  4. Press the bladder to collect urine, and then the experimenter uses his hand to gently and forcefully press the lower abdomen of the experimental animal. When the bladder sphincter of the experimental animal relaxes due to the increase in pressure, the urine is automatically drained and collected.

  5. After puncturing the bladder and collecting urine, the experimental animal is anesthetized and fixed, the coat above the sympathetic nerve of the lower abdomen and the coat on both sides of the midline of the abdomen are cut and disinfected, and needles and syringes are used. I stabbed it. Insert the needle at a right angle so that it passes through the skin, slightly change the angle to prevent urine leakage after the puncture, and then puncture the bladder, slowly insert the needle and pull it out until the urine is discharged.

  6. According to the method of piercing the bladder to collect urine, prepare a peritoneal incision to collect urine. The scope of skin preparation should be expanded. Expose the bladder through a peritoneal incision, and pierce the bladder under direct vision to draw out urine. You can also use toothless forceps to clamp a part of the bladder wall before the puncture, and remove the needle from the bladder wall under the forceps.

  7. When the mouse is caught by the tail and lifted by the tail, the mouse will absorb urine and a urine reflex will appear in the mouse. This reflex is most obvious in mice. This reflection can be used to collect urine. When the mouse is lifted with the tail to urinate, the urine drops will hang on the coat near the external opening of the urethra and will not flow out immediately. The operator should use a straw or glass tube to quickly absorb urine drops.