How to perform pathological necropsy of laboratory animals?

  (1) Commonly used equipment and uses

  1. The scalp is mainly used to cut and split soft tissues. The blade must be clamped and connected with a vascular forceps (needle holder) to avoid cutting fingers. There are four commonly used methods of holding a knife: bow holding, holding, holding pen and holding in reverse.

  2. Surgical scissors are used for separation and cutting.

  3. Vascular clip is used for tissue separation and clamping, suture needle and cloth towel clamping, etc.

  4. Surgical forceps are used to clamp tissues to facilitate dissection and suture.

  5. The retractor is used for traction and exposure.

  (2) Basic operation

  1. When cutting on the same plane, please tighten the tissue first and place the blade perpendicular to the plane. Use the right force. Cut once vertically and clean the notch, not diagonally. It is forbidden to cut diagonally and sew to reduce damage. When cutting multiple layers of tissue, it is usually necessary to cut it into several layers according to the level of the tissue to avoid damage to deep tissues and organs.

  2. Tissue separation can be a sharp separation method, which can use sharp tools (such as a knife or scissors) to cut directly, such as separating skin, mucous membranes, microstructures and tightly connected tissues. You can also use the blunt separation method, which uses a separation handle, hemostatic agent, and stripper. , Finger separation, such as muscle separation, connective tissue relaxation, etc.

  3, ligation uses silk thread to connect tissues and blood vessels, and participates in the suture of organs and skin.

  4. Animal necrosis may require hemostasis, because hemostasis, heavy bleeding will cause blood to accumulate in the chest and abdomen, hinder the visibility of necrosis, and affect and interfere with the identification and selection of lesions.

  (1) Gauze block hemostatic: In the process of necrosis, use gauge pressure to observe the nature and location of the disease, and distinguish the way into the tissues, nerves and blood vessels and the exudation of wider capillaries. It can be used to stop bleeding temporarily, but do not wipe the blood back and forth with gauze to avoid damage to the tissue.

  (2) Clamp hemostasis method: First, use gauze to stop the bleeding. After viewing the bleeding point or blood vessel, use the tip of the hemostat to align the bleeding point vertically, and quickly and accurately clamp and twist to block the blood vessel and stop bleeding.

  (3) Ligation and hemostasis: used for arterial bleeding or bleeding from larger blood vessels.