【Model Animal】-Application of Experimental Rats in Biomedicine

  1. Pharmacological research The blood pressure response of rats is better than that of rabbits. It is usually used to directly track blood pressure and study antihypertensive drugs. It is also often used to research, evaluate and determine the maximum dose, drug excretion rate and cumulative trend; long-term experiments are used to study drug absorption, distribution, excretion, dose response and metabolism, and clinical and histology after drug intake. Body checkup. The blood pressure and vascular resistance of rats are sensitive to drug reactions, and they are usually used to perfuse the blood vessels in the limbs of rats or the isolated heart, conduct cardiovascular pharmacological research and screen related new drugs.

  二. Tumor research

  rats are often used in tumor research. Rats use biological and chemical methods to induce rat tumors, artificially implant tumors for research, and conduct in vitro tissue culture to study the specific characteristics of tumors. can do.

  3. Nutrition and metabolism research

  Rats are an important resource for nutrition and metabolism research. It can be used to study the metabolism of vitamins, proteins, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, etc., and can also be used to study atherosclerosis, amyloidosis, alcoholism, duodenal ulcer, malnutrition, etc.

  Four. Neurological and endocrine research

  The rat nervous system is similar to the human nervous system, and the study of advanced neural activities, such as reward and punishment experiments, maze experiments, drinking experiments, neurosis, manic neuropathy, and intellectual development are widely used in interference research. The rat pituitary-adrenal system is well developed, and is often used for pressure response and endocrine experiments in the adrenal gland, pituitary gland and ovary.

  5. Hygiene investigation

  rats are also used to study the harm of environmental pollution to human health. Rats can be used as models for all occupational diseases, such as pneumoconiosis, chronic harmful gas poisoning, and radiation exposure, such as air pollution damage to the human body, and heavy metal pollution damage to health.

  6. Geriatrics and Geriatrics Research

  In recent years, studies have been conducted on aged rats (1 year old and above) to explore how to delay aging, study the relationship between dietary patterns and life expectancy, and study the causes of death due to aging. Often used to

  Seven, family planning research

  Mice are usually used in family planning research because they are larger than mice and are suitable for experiments such as fallopian tube ligation, oophorectomy, and genital damage repair.