How to prepare an animal model of chronic maxillary sinusitis?

  How to build a model:

  1. Choose an adult male white rabbit from New Zealand 2-2.5 kg

  2. Anesthetize the rabbit ears by intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) for general anesthesia, after sufficient anesthesia, fix it on the rabbit frame

  3. Partial skin preparation with depilatory (prepared in the laboratory)

  4. Disinfection towel

  5. Make a sagittal incision at 15 mm and 6 mm below the eye socket near the center of the posterior nose, and cut into the upper jaw. An electric drill with a diameter of 4 mm was used to make a small hole in the maxilla, and a sterile cotton swab was used to collect and culture the sinus secretions. Close it and suture it to the skin layer by layer. The operation is strictly aseptic. On the second day, 0.5 ml of the above-mentioned standby Streptococcus pneumoniae suspension was injected into the cavity through a small hole. On the 35th day after the operation, the sinuses were reopened under general anesthesia 6, sinus secretions were collected for bacterial culture, a large amount of thiopental sodium was injected into the heart, and a sample was taken shortly after the hair loss. .. Select each group of samples from the cave. The sinus mucosa of the contralateral side wall was fixed regularly, dehydrated and implanted. The sections are 5μm thick, HE stained and observed under an optical microscope.

  Purpose: Used to study various maxillary sinusitis