How to make paraffin section of mouse liver tissue correctly?

  Fresh liver should be perfused with formaldehyde, which can fix common tissues, but can dissolve glycogen and pigments.

  1. The material must be fresh. If it is left untreated for a long time, protein degradation and denaturation, cell autolysis and bacterial growth will occur, and it will not reflect the morphological structure of human tissues.

  2. There are many types of fixatives, they will make tissues hard and shrink to different degrees, and their effects on the protein, fat, carbohydrates and other substances in the tissue are also different. For example, pure alcohol can fix glycogen and dissolve fat, while formaldehyde can fix ordinary tissues, while glycogen and pigments can. Fixers can be divided into single fixers and mixed fixers. The former includes formaldehyde (formaldehyde, formalin), alcohol, acetic or glacial acetic acid, mercury, osmotic acid (os tetroxide), potassium dichromate, picric acid, etc. It is not possible to use a single fixing solution to fix all components in one unit. Mixed fixatives can make up for the shortcomings. Commonly used mixed fixatives include Bouin solution, Zenker solution, FAA solution, Carnoy solution and SuSa solution (for recipes, please refer to relevant technical books).

  Paraffin section process of mouse liver tissue:

  1. Take material

  2. Fixed

  3. Washing and dehydration

  4. Transparent

  5. Waxing and embedding

  6. Slice

  7. Patches and baked pieces

  8. Section dewaxing and hydration

  9. Dyeing

  10. Slice dehydration, transparency and mounting

  The sharpness of the slicing knife and the proper hardness of the wax block directly affect the quality of the slice. Hot or cold water can be used to appropriately change the hardness of the wax block. Usually the slice thickness is 4-7 microns, cut out piece by piece of wax tape, and lightly place it on the paper with a brush.