What is embryonic stem cell technology for laboratory animals?

  Stem cell research is one of the fastest growing and most valuable cutting-edge technologies in the field of life sciences in recent years, and was published in the field of science and technology by the journal Science in 1999, 2000 and 2003. Was selected as one of the top ten developments. At present, stem cell research covers almost all fields of life science and biomedicine. It not only shows important value in cell therapy and gene therapy, but is also important in gene function analysis, developmental biology research and new drug screening. Play a role. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cell lines isolated from the internal cell mass (ICM) of early mammals or primitive embryonic cells (Primordial germ cells, PGC). There are both embryonic cells and ordinary cultured cells.

  In 1981, Evans and Kaufuma isolated ES cells from mouse embryonic cell masses for the first time. Matsui and Resnick isolated ES cells from mouse primordial germ cells in 1992. ES cells isolated from PGC are also called embryonic germ cells EG. This indicates that blastocyst cyst and PGC have become the two main sources of ES cell isolation and cloning. So far, many types of mammalian ES cells have been successfully isolated. Doetshman et al. established a hamster ES cell line in 1988, and Wheeler and Robert obtained porcine ES cells using embryos and PGC cultures in 1994. In 1996, Thomson et al. obtained monkey ES cells. Acquired in 1998 by Thomson et al. Isolate ES cells from in vitro fertilized scutellum leaves. Among them, the mouse ES cell separation technology was programmed, and a commercial product for scientific research and production was formed. In addition to establishing ES cell lines and targeted differentiation, ES cells can also be used for nuclear transfer, chimeric and transgenic animal research. ES cells can promote animal reproduction, produce transgenic animals and establish mammalian development models and human disease models. It has broad application prospects in therapy and cell therapy.