What are the commonly used medical laboratory animals?

  1. Mice (Musmusculus) Mice commonly used in medical experiments belong to mammals, rodents, Murriidae, rats and Mus musculus species. It is small in size, easy to capture, easy to operate, short growth period, fast maturity, and strong fecundity. Gentle, timid and terrifying, sensitive to the environment. As a mature laboratory animal, mice have many strains and are the most widely used and commonly used animals in medical experiments. Suitable for drug and oncology research.

  2. Rat (rat, rattusnoivegicus) Rats commonly used in Chinese medical experiments are vertebrates, mammals, rodents, chi and white rats belonging to the rat. His temper is more calm. When frightened, it is easily bitten and takes violent actions. Rats have a keen sense of smell, are sensitive to noise, and are also very sensitive to malnutrition. Because rats have abundant eggs, easy to reproduce, suitable in size, easy to manage, and convenient in sampling volume, the number in medical experiments is second only to mice. Suitable for drug and oncology research.

  3. Guinea pig (guineapig, caviaporcellus) Guinea pig is also called sea pig, guinea pig or guinea pig. It belongs to mammals, rodents, porcupines, guinea pigs, and guinea pigs. His temper was calm, timid, and afraid of surprise. Rarely bites or grabs hands. The delayed type hypersensitivity reaction of guinea pigs is similar to that of humans, so guinea pigs are the animals of choice for anaphylactic shock and allergy research. In addition, guinea pigs are extremely sensitive to many pathogenic microorganisms and antibiotics, and are the first choice for pathological and pharmacological research.

  4. Rabbit (Rabbit, Lagodon) Rabbit belongs to mammals, Lagomorpha, Lagomorpha and Straw, and is a herbivorous mammal. There are many types of rabbits, but four types are often used in the laboratory:

  (1) White ears with big ears: big ears, white skin, clear blood vessels and clear blood vessels, but weak resistance

  (2) China Rabbit (White Rabbit): small and weak, but a little stronger than a white rabbit with big ears.

  (3) Blue-purple blue rabbit: easy to raise, short growth period, strong physique, and strong resistance.

  (4) New Zealand white rabbit: a good breed introduced in recent years, the weight of mature rabbits is 4 to 5.5 kg. The rabbit is a commonly used laboratory animal. It is timid, timid, suspicious, easy to raise, resistant to diseases, and has a high fertilization rate. The biggest use of rabbits is to produce antibodies and prepare immune serum with high titer and specificity. It can also be used for many experiments such as inflammation, fever, shock and acute cardiovascular tests.

  Fives. Cats (cats, felines) cats belong to mammals, euphorbia, carnivores and cats. Cats have been used in medical research for hundreds of years, but due to their adaptability, physiological characteristics, and response to diseases similar to humans, they play an irreplaceable role in medicine, so they are widely used. it has been. Research on neurology, physiology, toxicology, pharmacology, acute cardiovascular function experiments, blood diseases, etc.

  6. Dogs (Canis, canisfamiliaris) Dogs are vertebrates, mammals, carnivores, dogs and canis. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, adapt to the external environment, are easy to touch with humans and easy to tame. Dogs’ nervous and blood circulatory systems are so developed that they are widely used in pathology, physiology, surgery, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, nutrition and other research. Therefore, it is often used in experiments such as hemorrhagic shock, diffuse vascular coagulation, acute myocardial infarction, acute pulmonary hypertension and conditioning.

  7. Macaques (macacamulattazimmermann) macaques are animals belonging to the genus Mammals, Primates, Apes, and Macacas. As primates, monkeys are very valuable experimental animals because they are very similar to humans in terms of tissue structure, physiological functions, and metabolic functions, and are a genus close to humans. Experimenting on such animals is the easiest way to solve human diseases and study their causes. It is commonly used in research such as parasitic diseases, reproductive physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, stomatology, bacterial diseases, nutritional metabolism, endocrinology, etc.

  8. Miniature pigs. Miniature pigs and pigs belong to the category of mammals, puppets, non-ruminal species, wild boars and house flies. Due to the large size of ordinary pigs, it is very inconvenient to use them for experiments. We soon began to study miniature pigs. Pig’s cardiovascular system, immune system, digestive system, eyeballs, kidneys, skin, etc. are very similar to humans in terms of tissue physiology and nutritional metabolism. Therefore, pigs are also listed as important experimental animals. .. It is commonly used in oncology, cardiology, immunology, diabetes, teratology, genetics and other research.

  9. Toads (bufo bufobugargarizans) and frogs (frog, rananigromaculata) toads and frogs belong to the amphibian Anura. Toads and frogs are small animals that are often used to teach experiments. Even if the heart is isolated from the body, it can beat rhythmically for a long time and can be used for heart failure experiments. Frog tongue and mesentery are good specimens for observing inflammation and microcirculation changes.