How to do ether anesthesia experiment in rats and mice?

  1 Receipt of anesthetics

  1.1 Anesthetics are kept in double locks.

  1.2 When receiving anesthetics, SD or the test personnel designated by SD shall notify the person in charge of management first. The person in charge of management or his designated management personnel shall enter the testing room according to the prescribed procedures. In the presence of both managers, open the double lock, and then hand it over to SD or the experimenter designated by SD.

  1.3 The test personnel designated by SD or SD use an electronic balance to accurately weigh the required quality anesthetics, and fill in the electronic balance use record and the anesthetic receipt record.

  1.4 The management personnel put the anesthetic drug back to the original place, double-locked, and confirmed the anesthetic drug receipt record.

  2 Anesthetic preparation

  2.1 The preparer puts the required quality of anesthetic into the container, first dissolves it with an appropriate amount of sterile 0.9% sodium chloride injection or distilled water, then dilutes and mixes with the corresponding solvent, and dilutes to the required volume.

  2.2 The prepared anesthetic solution should be marked with information such as name, preparation date, preparation concentration, storage conditions, expiration date and preparation.

  3 Preparation of anesthesia items: small beaker, mouse anesthesia box, ether, some dry cotton balls, hemostatic forceps

  4 Preparation before using anesthetics

  4.1 Put the dry cotton ball into a small beaker.

  4.2 Pour an appropriate amount of ether into a small beaker to completely soak the cotton ball, and immediately cover the ether container tightly.

  4.3 Put the small beaker into the rat anesthesia box, and then close the anesthesia box tightly.

  5 Grab and put the mouse into the anesthesia box

  5.1 Grabbing of mice

  When the mouse is quiet in the cage, use the thumb and index finger of the right hand to pinch the center of the tail and lift it, open the anesthesia box with the left hand, quickly put the mouse into the anesthesia box, and then close the anesthesia box tightly.

  5.2 Rat grabbing

  Put on protective gloves. When the rat is quiet in the cage, the rat under the age of 4-5 weeks should pinch the center of the tail with the thumb and index finger of the right hand and lift it up and place it on the lid of the cage. Lift the tail by the base. Open the anesthesia box with the left hand, quickly put the rat into the anesthesia box, and then close the anesthesia box tightly.

  6 Judgment of the effect of anesthesia

  6.1 Observe carefully. When the rat falls down on its own and its breathing changes from fast to slower, take it out of the anesthesia box and start to check its corneal reflex and pain reflex.

  6.2 Gently touch the mouse’s cornea with the front of the hemostatic forceps. If the mouse does not close its eyes and avoid it, it proves that the mouse’s corneal reflex has disappeared.

  6.3 Use hemostatic forceps to clamp the toes of the mouse with appropriate force. If the mouse does not struggle and dodge, it is proved that the pain reflex disappears.

  6.4 At this time, it is proved that the rat is anesthetized.

  6.5 If the corneal reflex and pain reflex have not disappeared, return it to the anesthesia box to continue anesthesia. Then repeat steps 4.1 to 4.4.

  7 Post-anaesthesia treatment

  7.1 After the rat is anesthetized, complete various experimental operations and records in time as required.

  7.2 The ether cotton ball after use should be properly disposed of, and the remaining ether should be returned to the specialist in accordance with the narcotic drug management system. Other supplies are handled according to the routine requirements of the laboratory.

  8 Matters needing attention

  Strict fire prevention measures must be taken in the laboratory, and it is strictly forbidden to switch electrical appliances and open flames during anesthesia.