What relevant preparations should be made before animal experiments?

  To successfully complete the subject of animal experiments, you need to perform the following tasks:

  (1) Related materials, theme setting, theme opening, demonstration, before experiment

  (2) Purchase or collect laboratory animals

  Quality certificates and animal-related materials suppliers issued by the national competent authority. You need to ask. (Information about stress, age, health status).

  (3) Basic requirements for selecting laboratory animals

  1. Background data of experimental animals Record the source, type, ancestry, age, sex, weight and other relevant data of experimental animals.

  2. Animals for physical examination should be isolated for 7-10 days before testing. Animals in the experimental group and the control group are used for body surface inspection items before animal experiments.

  (1) Growth status: Does the growth of the body correspond to age and type, and the growth rate of each part is normal or abnormal?

  (2) Nutrition: If you are full or thin, you can touch the back and waist of the experimental animal during the test. With good nutrition, your back and waist will become thicker and your skin will be more elastic. In malnutrition, the back and lumbar spine are prominent, and the ribs are clear.

  (3) Mental state: autonomous activity, exercise, reaction to the outside world (dull or overactive) and walking of experimental animals.

  (4) Sensory organs: Whether the pupils of the eyes are clear, whether there is any secretion, whether the eyelids are inflamed or swollen, whether the color of the medulla oblongata changes, red tide, pale or yellowish.

  (5) Respiratory system: You can check the lungs by breathing rate, rhythm, breathing movement (such as dyspnea), upper airway examination (such as nasal fluid), squeezing and coughing, and hearing if necessary.

  (6) Digestive system: Observe food intake and drinking, such as appetite, color and smell of oral mucosa. Do you have vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dirt around the anus, stool color, peculiar smell, etc.?

  (7) Coat and skin: check skin tone, elasticity, trauma, hair color, density, and shedding.