How to prepare a minipig restenosis animal model?

  1. The experimental pig is ready to choose healthy laboratory miniature pigs weighing between 25-35 kg. Starting 3 days before placing the stent, 75 mg of clopidogrel was taken orally once a day, and 300 mg of aspirin was taken orally once a day. Fasting on the day of the experiment, weighing and recording to guide the dosage of heparin and other drugs. Make sure the pig number is correct, and insert a 22-gauge needle through the ear vein to open the vein. The number and weight of pigs are marked on the trocar. Waiting for anesthesia and surgery.

  2. Laboratory equipment, drug preparation equipment

  (1) Radiation related equipment: puncture needle, 6F sheath, guide wire, 6F Judkins 3.5 including left and right coronary artery catheters. After cleaning and drying all related equipment, disinfect them in a formaldehyde cigarette case. Contrast agent: non-ionic contrast agent iopromide (Ultravist) 370 is used for coronary angiography. Blood vessel imaging equipment: GE INOVA 2100 angiography imaging machine.

  (2) Intraoperative medication: unfractionated heparin (dilute 2 ml unfractionated heparin with normal saline to 12.5 ml, which is equivalent to 100 U/ml unfractionated heparin). Rescue: Atropin, epinephrine, Niketamide, dexamethasone. Postoperative medication: intravenous injection of 3.2 million units of penicillin dissolved in 500 ml of 5% glucose saline. The experimental pigs were awakened as soon as possible by injecting two intravenous boluses of nicosam.

  3. Numbered experimental animals usually need to be marked to distinguish them. There are many ways of numbering, but the appropriate marking method should be selected according to the number of animals and the length of observation time.

  (1) Description method: numbered round or square metal plates (preferably aluminum or stainless steel, which can be used for a long time without rusting), or number the animal’s neck according to the experimental group number. connection. Fix the animal's neck collar to the bottom strap.

  (2) Numbering method: Use digital pliers (also called ear number pliers) to tap the animal's ear number. Before entering the number, wipe the ear with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol, then pierce the number with the tongue of the ear, and then wipe it with a cotton ball soaked in black ink in the brand area.

  (3) Acupuncture: Soak a small amount of carbon ink with the 7th or 8th needle, and then puncture the ears, fore and hind limbs and tail under the skin, leaving black marks on the punctured part. This method can be applied to rats, mice and guinea pigs.

  (4) Chemical coating method of animal skin: commonly used coating chemical materials include red coating: 0.5% neutral red or magenta solution. Painted yellow: 3% to 5% picric acid solution. Painted black: an alcohol solution of coal tar. According to the needs of the experimental group number, chemicals can be used to cover the back of experimental animals. If you have more laboratory animals, you can choose between two dyes. This method is suitable for experimental animals with a short experimental period. Likewise, dyes tend to return after a long period of time. Moreover, females are not suitable for breastfeeding offspring because they tend to chew offspring and lick dye.

  (5) Cutting method: A method of using a cutting knife to cut out numbers on the side or back of an animal. This method is clear and reliable, but it is only suitable for short-term observations.

  (6) Method of punching or notching: Use a punching machine to punch a small hole on the rabbit ear to indicate a specific number. If you cut the gap with scissors, you need to twist it with talcum powder after the cut so that it is not visible after healing. The number range of this method is 1 to 9999. When raising a large number of animals, this method is usually used as the number of life cycles. Currently, this type of numbering method is most commonly used for miniature pig models, but if it is not placed in a single cage, please pay attention to the blurring of the markings caused by the biting of animals. You need to use other marking methods in time.

  4. How to fix the grip of experimental pigs: When holding pigs, you must understand safety principles, such as personal safety and pig's physical safety. The pig's defensive attack on the catcher is its instinct. You need to avoid paralysis, to avoid pig attacks, injuries or bites. To catch pigs on a level ground or on a sports field, prepare a foldable fence 0.8m high and 1.2-1.5m long. Use the fence to push the target pig to the narrowest corner possible, and then move it behind the pig. Stretch and grab. The waist of the hind limbs lifted from the ground. If in a cage, use it mechanically or with bare hands. Put the pig on the head, put the tail back in place, extend and grasp the hind limbs, and pull it out of the cage. You can also hold the ear directly to fix the ear and pull it out of the cage to grab the hind limbs. If pigs are inaccessible, use a pig farm. The design of the pig stick is very simple, it is a wooden stick with a rope loop at the end. Wrap the pig's mouth with a rope loop and tighten it to secure it.

  The method of fixing the pig depends on the content of the experiment and the surgical method. Three fixation methods are usually used: horizontal fixation, trend fixation and reverse lift fixation. After anesthesia, put the pig on a flat plate or trough, and fix the limbs with ropes, and fix the rest with ropes or clamps according to the needs of the operation.