[Animal Modeling]-The biological and anatomical characteristics of rabbits

  Rabbits are mammals with poor obedience and sociality. They belong to mammals, Lagomorphs, Lepus and herbivores.

  Xi is dry and not afraid of heat. The appropriate environmental temperature depends on age. The temperature of the newborn’s nest is 30-32℃, and that of adult rabbits is 20±2℃; if the temperature exceeds 30℃ and the humidity is too high, the female rabbit will lose food. Miscarriage, refusal to drink milk, diarrhea in young rabbits, adult rabbits; stool characteristics: rich in crude protein, sparse feces at night, vitamins are excreted from the rabbits, swallowing loose stools directly from the anus; it behaves like rodents, such as brushing teeth and Chewing teeth; the cecum develops and occupies one third of the abdominal cavity, and there is a small round sac in the ileocecal cavity; the structure of the thoracic cavity is different from other animals, the mediastinum separates the thoracic cavity, and the left and right cavities are not connected. If the heart is exposed, artificial respiration is not required. The male groin is open, allowing the testicles to fall freely into the scrotum and retract into the abdominal cavity. Please check your gender. Mating age: more than 6 months. The estrus cycle is 8 to 15 days, and the estrus is 2 to 3 times a month. Age-related changes: Rabbits have full breast hair within 30 days, the first milk is replaced in about 100 days, and the second change starts in 130-190 days. Hair, then shed, means to grow into adulthood.

  Seasonal moulting: Moulting once in spring and autumn. During the molting period, the rabbits have weak resistance and get sick easily. Rabbits are animals with ovulation reflex, aged 5-6 years. The life expectancy is 8 years.

  There are independent decompression nerve branches in the neck.

  is an animal with a constant body temperature of 38.5 to 39.5°C. It is sensitive to pyrogens and is suitable for heat source experiments.

  The transparent large blood vessels in the ear make injection and blood collection easy.

  Big eyeballs, there are pigment cells in the iris, and the color of the eyes is determined by the pigment cells. The iris of the white rabbit’s eyes has no pigment at all, and the blood in the blood vessels can show blood. So it looks red;

  has a special serotype and saliva type; 22 pairs of chromosomes.