A large number of scientific studies have shown that the inflammatory process plays an important role in the development of mental illness. One area of particular concern is the IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway related to depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In a study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, Med UniVienna researchers led by Daniela Pollak of the Department of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology found that the molecule STAT3, which controls emotional responses, is in the serum Play a role in the transmission of related signal systems.
The "STAT3" signal transduction pathway is activated in response to a series of immunogenic and non-immunogenic stimuli that can and cannot elicit an immune response. "It was discovered that STAT3 is involved in nervous system function, which is important for controlling behavior under physiological and pathological conditions. Previous studies also found that STAT3 also expresses the serotonin transporter gene. We can prove that we are adjusting," Parak explained. The changes in serotoninergic transmission, that is, the use of serotonin as a messenger substance to transmit information from one neuron to another, are closely related to pathological changes in depression or other mood disorders. I'm. However, its importance in the interaction between the STAT3 signaling pathway and neural information flow in the brain and the regulation of emotional behavior has not been studied yet. Therefore, in a published study, we specifically studied the importance of the STAT3 signaling pathway in the midbrain serotonergic system (emotional control center) by targeting STAT3 inhibition in a mouse model. Mr. Pollack said: "In the absence of selective STAT3 in the midbrain serotonergic system, the behavior of mice showed reduced negative emotional responses and weakened responses to amphetamine in the brain. STAT3 is a genetic and viral model. . Changes in expression and development can be ruled out, indicating that acute manipulation of STAT3 in adult organisms can affect emotional behavior."
"In the midbrain of animals lacking STAT3, it was also found that the neural activity of serotonergic cells was altered. At the level of gene expression, we also found changes in important molecular networks in neuropsychiatric diseases. "Our findings indicate that STAT3 plays an important role as a molecular mediator of the serotonergic system that controls emotional responses, thereby providing a mechanical link between the immune system, serotonergic transmission and mood disorders."