M1 natural virus is expected to kill cancer cells accurately

  The problem of "killing cancer cells and normal cells" plagues doctors and cancer patients all over the world, and can eventually be solved. The author is from Sun Yat-sen University. On the 13th, the research team of Professor Yan Guangmei of Zhongshan School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University published an article in the International Journal of the National Academy of Sciences on the 7th. A natural virus called M1 can specifically kill cancer cells without harming normal cells. This new tumor-dissolving virus is expected to become a new generation of anti-cancer weapons.

  The results of this research were independently completed by the research group of Professor Yan Guangmei, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, with completely independent intellectual property rights. Lin Yuan, Zhang Haipeng and Liang Jiankai are the first authors.

  The global cancer incidence is rising rapidly, and existing treatments are far from meeting clinical needs. After years of research, Yan Guangmei's research team isolated the natural M1 virus from Hainan Island. Yan Guangmei's research team used a cell culture method to select the M1 virus for a variety of cancer cells (such as liver cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, and melanoma) without causing toxic side effects on normal cells. I found out that I might be infected and killed. The entire animal model proved that the M1 virus "discovered and killed tumor tissue, just like a growing eye", but normal cells were not affected. In addition to cell level and animal experiments, the research team also used clinical specimens from in vitro biological tissue culture models to further confirm the efficacy and specificity of this new tumor-dissolving virus.

  More importantly, according to the introduction, the research work also proved the molecular genetic mechanism of the M1 virus. This discovery provides a reliable scientific basis for accurate clinical dosage and individualized treatment practice, and will greatly increase future clinical trials. The probability of success of the experiment. According to experts, the new natural tumor-soluble virus M1 is expected to become a new generation weapon for safe and effective treatment of cancer and overcoming human cancer.