[Animal Experiment] Mice acted as a "stand-in" for trial treatment of cancer patients

  Scientists often use mice to test drugs, but now some cancer patients also want to heal themselves with experimental mice. They pay for a private laboratory to breed some mice that serve as "surrogates" for experimental treatment. These mice have a part of the patient's tumor tissue, and their response helps determine whether the patient has received intolerable chemotherapy and which drugs produce the best results.

  In the past few years, hundreds of patients have customized their own "alternatives" to test their chemotherapy regimens. Eileen Uti, a breast cancer patient living in Miami, USA, said: "What I am doing is the future trend of personalized cancer treatment. I don't want to accept chemotherapy that is not suitable for me and poison my body."

  These mice can really "replace" you can help cancer patients? No one dared to pack tickets. At least in the opinion of Ryan Kirchtenfield, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, there is no "substantial science" to prove the effectiveness of this method, and it is considered experimental. should.

  Last week, the world’s largest breast cancer conference was held at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. This is also the third large-scale cancer conference this year with the theme of customized cancer mice. According to the latest report from the Physician Organization Network, Alana Wilm, a cancer researcher at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, introduced her work as a "replacement" for mice at the meeting. She said: "I see hope. But. This is very time-consuming and expensive. For ordinary patients, standard treatment is still needed."

  Where can I customize the "alternative" mouse?

  There are several laboratories producing this type of mouse, but the main provider of customized "alternative" services for patients is located in New Jersey, with offices in London, Tel Aviv and Singapore. There is a champion oncology.

  The company’s laboratory in Baltimore has six rooms with lockers similar to shoe racks. Approximately 7,000 mice live in plastic cages in the rack, and each plastic cage has a corresponding label. The name of the cancer patient.

  Most customized mice are gray female mice with round red eyes. Some are hairless mice. Some mice live alone in the room, while others live in groups. Many mice showed signs of tumor transplantation, such as shaved hair, incision wounds, or large lumps on one side of the body.

  how much is it?

  The patient sends the tumor sample to the Champion Oncology Department. The company charges a storage fee of $1,500. Each time you use a group of mice to test a drug, you will get an extra $2500. The company's chief medical officer Angela Davis said that most patients will test 3-5 different drugs at a cost of US$10,000 to US$12,000.

  Youti spent $30,000 because he wanted to test all possible drugs, including some for the treatment of other types of cancer.

  How's the effect?

  There are some promising early reports. Andrew Gaya, head of oncology care at a private clinic in London, helped lead the study of 70 patients, all of whom received clear treatment results. Their experiments published in September showed that "alternatives" in mice usually reflect the patient's response to multiple drugs. According to Gaya, 70% of mouse tests found drugs that were helpful to patients. Drugs that are ineffective in mice are also ineffective in human patients. However, there is currently no evidence that this method is superior to existing genetic tests, which can help patients choose drugs based on medical guidance and treatment.

  What is the limitation of

  ? Benjamin Neal, research director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto and spokesperson for the American Association for Cancer Research, said,

  The "twins" of mice have some drawbacks.

  First of all, the testing process takes several months. The patient can then begin treatment. In addition, tumor implants from patients cannot reflect the human tumor environment because they are all under the skin of mice, rather than where cancers such as pancreas and lungs usually occur. At the same time, the "surrogate" immune system of these mice is very impaired and can tolerate human tumors without being rejected, but this is also the treatment of the human immune system. It cannot be used because it cannot reflect whether it reacts. Used to test immunotherapy. Neil said, "Even if these (mouse) are really valuable," Neil can't compare with new technological advances. For example, it only takes a few weeks to grow tumor cells in a laboratory dish. I think there is sex. technology.

  However, Youti said that besides the mouse "replacement", genetic testing and the opinion of the attending physician seemed to be the best choice for her. In her mouse "replacement" test, two effective drugs were found, and one drug with less side effects on the heart was chosen. She recently completed chemotherapy and the radiotherapy is about to end.

  At what stage can it be applied to cancer patients? For patients with metastatic cancer or cancer cells recurring before treatment, using "alternative" experimental treatments in mice is the best option and will help them choose their next treatment plan.

  59-year-old Aaron Panov is from Toronto. Four years ago, he was diagnosed with liposarcoma, a soft tissue cancer. The doctor did not recommend any specific drugs and said he would "live six months."

  But his mouse "replacement" helped him. Test results showed that the first drug prescribed in the prescription was ineffective, but the other colon cancer drug may be effective. Panov said: "This greatly strengthened my confidence." At present, his condition is in remission.

  71-year-old Ruben Moser is from Tel Aviv. His colon cancer has spread to the liver. However, the "replacement" of the mouse confirmed that the prescription drug he used was a good choice.

  Moser's rat "Stand-in" bred in February this year and is still receiving treatment.


  在过去几年中,数百名患者定制了自己的“替代品”以测试他们的化疗方案。居住在美国迈阿密的乳腺癌患者Eileen Uti说: “我正在做的是个体化癌症治疗的未来趋势。我不想接受不适用于我的化疗并毒害我的身体。”

  这些鼠标确实可以“替代”您能帮助癌症患者吗?没有人敢打包票。至少在美国癌症协会副首席医学官Ryan Kirchtenfield看来,没有“实质性科学”来证明这种方法的有效性,并且被认为是实验性的。应该。

  上周,全球最大的乳腺癌会议在圣安东尼奥乳腺癌专题讨论会上举行。这也是今年第三次以定制化癌症小鼠为主题的大型癌症会议。根据医师组织网络的最新报告,俄克拉荷马州医学研究基金会的癌症研究人员Alana Wilm在会议上介绍了她作为小鼠的“替代品”的工作,她说:“我看到了希望。但是,这非常耗时且昂贵。对于普通患者而言,仍然需要标准治疗。”






  患者将肿瘤样本发送给冠军肿瘤科。该公司收取1,500美元的仓储费。每次使用一组小鼠测试一种药物,您都会获得额外的2500美元。该公司首席医学官安吉拉·戴维斯(Angela Davis)说,大多数患者将测试3-5种不同的药物,费用为10,000美元至12,000美元。



  有一些有希望的早期报告。伦敦一家私人诊所肿瘤护理负责人安德鲁·加亚(Andrew Gaya)帮助领导了70名患者的研究,所有患者均获得了明确的治疗结果。他们在9月份发表的实验表明,老鼠的“替代品”通常可以反映出患者对多种药物的反应。根据Gaya的说法,70%的小鼠测试发现了对患者有帮助的药物。对小鼠无效的药物在人类患者中也无效。 但是,目前尚无证据表明该方法优于现有的基因测试,后者可帮助患者根据医学指导和治疗选择药物。






  59岁的Aaron Panov来自多伦多。四年前,他被诊断出患有脂肪肉瘤,这是一种软组织癌。医生没有推荐任何特定的药物,并说他将“活六个月”。


  71岁的Ruben Moser来自特拉维夫。他的结肠癌已经扩散到肝脏。但是,鼠标“替代”证实他使用的处方药是一个不错的选择。

  莫泽的老鼠“ Stand-in”于今年2月繁殖,目前仍在接受治疗。