Alzheimer's disease is expected to be improved with human cord blood cells

  Currently, there are 44 million Alzheimer's disease in the world, and it is estimated that there will be 135 million by 2050. These data are so large that the cost of treatment behind the data may be huge for an ordinary family. The pathology and medical research of Alzheimer's disease has been studied for many years, but the progress has been slow.

  Currently, there is no clear drug treatment. However, cell therapy experiments using animal models have shown that human umbilical cord blood cells (HUCBC) can improve certain cognitive deficits in mice and reduce β-amyloid deposits, which undoubtedly brings to the research of Alzheimer’s disease The dawn, and provided new treatment ideas and directions. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells can remove beta amyloid and improve cognitive ability. Amyloid ββ is an amyloid precondition protein (APP) that accumulates in the brain and is toxic to cranial nerves. Formed by hydrolysis This is a typical indicator of Alzheimer's disease and can cause behavior. Researchers in the United States, China and Japan have confirmed that it can effectively remove β-amyloid deposits in the brains of mice infected with peripheral blood mononuclear cells. However, the mechanism of action of cord blood cells on β-amyloid is still unknown.

  Dr. Dona Darlington, a neurodevelopmental researcher at the Rashid Institute at the University of South Florida, wrote an article. He said: "We have previously reported that HUCBC can treat inflammation in Alzheimer's mice and eliminate β-amyloid. This study aims to clarify the mechanism by which peripheral blood monocytes act on β-amyloid. "The relevant research results will be published in the journal Cell Transplant soon.

  Researchers use umbilical cord blood cells to treat Alzheimer's disease mice and their behavioral characteristics, physiology and primitive behavior. The chemical reaction and histological analysis lasted for 2-4 months. Studies have shown that peripheral blood mononuclear cells can not only eliminate β-amyloid deposits in the mouse brain, but also eliminate β-amyloid deposits in the hippocampus. Research shows that it can improve learning, memory and motor skills

  Peripheral blood cells can eliminate dead cells and cell debris caused by eating

  The researchers found that the peripheral blood monospheres are β-amyloid. Importantly, studies have shown that aging can remove much less efficient monospheres and soluble amyloid precursor protein (sSPPa), thereby eliminating β-amyloid protein . These endogenous senescent cells have been shown to restore dietary function. This study is very important for analyzing the mechanism of monoballoon treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It is a neurotoxin. He focused on the benefits and possible side effects of using peripheral blood mononuclear cells for cell therapy such as secretion. He said that peripheral blood mononuclear cells are used to treat Alzheimer's disease.