Duō néng gànxìbāo kě zhìliáo xīnzàng bìng 11/5000 Pluripotent stem cells can treat heart disease

  After winning the Nobel Prize, Japan revealed that Hisashi Moriguchi had used stem cells as a scam to repair the injured heart. However, Japan has always been the forefront of heart stem cell research in the world, and some of them have quickly achieved successful clinical applications in this field.

  According to the latest news from HK, a research team at Osaka University processed the myocardium of cardiomyocytes induced by pluripotent stem cells and transplanted them into patients. In 2016, the research team submitted a clinical trial called "Research" to the state. The medical team of Professor Sawayoshiki of Cardiovascular Surgery of Osaka University processed cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells into a membrane tissue with a diameter of several centimeters, called "myocardium", which can cause serious heart disease. Induce patients to transplant. For research on regenerative medicine treatment.

  This "heart muscle" made of induced pluripotent stem cells is the world's first commercialized product of regenerative medicine. The research team submitted a clinical trial application called "Research" to the country in 2016 and began to explore the direction of transplant surgery in 2017. If the country approves transplants for several patients, the research team’s goal is to commercialize "myocardial membrane" regenerative medicine products within four years. So far, the improvement of heart function has been confirmed in animal experiments, and the research team will continue to prepare data collection on safety and effectiveness.

  In 2010, Kyoto Prefectural Medical University, Japan, used the patient's autologous cardiac stem cell injection to successfully restore the patient's heart function to normal. In 2011, Okayama University Hospital in Japan used the patient's autologous cardiac stem cells to inject the baby's heart to treat heart disease. However, this is the first time that pluripotent induced stem cells have been used to induce the formation of "myocardium", thereby improving the accuracy of treatment.