What is the process by which cancer cells form tumors?

  Cancer is a mysterious disease with multiple causes. The biggest problem is how and why tumors form. Over the years, scientists have conducted a lot of research on these issues. In January 2015, researchers at King's College London discovered a new mechanism by which skin damage can lead to tumor formation. It has important clinical significance for patients suffering from chronic skin ulcers and follicular skin diseases. The research published in Nature Communications shows that immune cells can naturally perceive the role of bacteria in the formation of skin tumors.

  According to a new study published in the journal Nature in December 2015, most cancer cases are caused by avoidable factors, such as toxic chemicals and radiation. The paper pointed out that earlier this year, a research report published in the journal Science concluded that certain differences in internal cell processes are the main reason why tissues are more likely to become cancerous than other tissues. I'm arguing. the reason. Two recent studies by the University of Iowa provide important insights into these issues by recording the three-dimensional activity of human cancerous breast cancer tissue cells in real time. It is believed that this is the first study to continuously track the migration and attachment of cancer cells to the tumor.

  The research team discovered that cancer cells stretch various cables to grab nearby cells (cancer cells and healthy cells) and roll them up. In addition, researchers at the University of Iowa report that only 5% of cancer cells are needed to form a tumor, a percentage that was previously unknown. Related research results were published in the recent "American Journal of Cancer Research".

  The corresponding author of this article and UI biology professor David Soll points out: “These are not like sticking to each other. Instead, these units will go out and actively adopt other units. This is complicated and not passive. I don’t know. In the process Are there any special cells? These cells are just a few cells that attract all other cells."

  Research has shown that more tumor-causing cells (cells that form tumors) may be able to accurately identify it. Detecting which antibodies is the best way to eliminate them. Soll’s Monoclonal Antibody Research Institute and Development Research Hybridoma Bank was created by the National Institutes of Health. It is a national resource led by Soll in the UI and contains the world’s largest collection of antibodies that can be used for anti-cancer testing.

  In a study conducted on PLoSONE last spring, Soll's team only found tumor cells (from a variety of cancers, including aggressive brain tumors such as lung cancer, skin cancer, and glioblastoma). ..) Actively mobilize other cells to form tumors. The researchers observed that, like a demonic messenger, a single cancer cell grew from the first cluster and found other cells in the area. When a cell is detected, the expanded cell will grab it and pull it to form a larger mass. As the activity continues and tumors grow, the spread of cancer attracts more and more cells, including healthy cells.

  Sol pointed out: "Only the cells that cause tumors between cells are found. Tumor cells know what they are doing. They form tumors." The question is what these cells should do. How do you know Saul believes that when these cells are programmed to form embryos, they are back to their original past. If this is true, it may pretend to be embryonic cells of cancer cells, mobilize other cells to form tissues, and then form hierarchical and self-sustaining structures necessary for tumor formation and growth.

  Consider the dead planet and build enough defense capabilities to resist repeated attacks. Or, to reduce the analogy, the method of forming a membrane from orthopedic implants to catheters can prevent bacteria from entering the surface. Mr. Saul said: "There must be a reason. You may want to get a large tumor that can form the tissues needed for the microenvironment. It's like building your own defense system against physical attacks.

  AJCR In this article, the researchers compared the behavior of human breast tissue cells (MoVi-10') and a parental breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) that is less tumorigenic. First, they found that compared with MCF-7, the main connection only increased the cell density of MoVi-10' within 50 hours. In addition, in all cases, regardless of the ratio of MCF-7 cells to MoVi-10' cells in the cluster, only MoVi-10' cells will protrude, thereby attracting other cells (including healthy cells) into clumps. Grow into. .. The author wrote: "The results here extend our preliminary observations that tumor cell lines and fresh tumor cells have the unique ability to actively form and condense cell cables."

  This discovery further supports this concept. In other words, by using cancer cell cables to attract more cells and expand its own cell population, tumors can develop in multiple locations at the same time. Some people think that tumors are caused by cell changes in the mass, which is called the "cancer stem cell theory". Soll's research team also found that Mo-Vi10' cells migrate 92 microns per hour. This is approximately twice that of healthy cells. This is important because it can help scientists better understand "the rate of tumor formation."