New coronavirus may cause sudden hearing loss in patients

  A few days ago, a research team from University College London published a report in a case report in the British Medical Journal, stating that after they were infected with the new crown virus, hearing loss in their left ear was the first in the UK. According to experts, this new case shows that the new crown can cause sudden hearing loss, and calls on doctors to pay attention to the patient's condition and treat it as soon as possible.

  It is reported that a 45-year-old man suffered from asthma and was admitted to the intensive care unit after being hospitalized for the new coronavirus. He is taking remdecibir and steroids. About a week after leaving the intensive care unit, the man continued to suffer from ENT diseases in his left ear and soon suffered hearing loss. According to the research team, the man's medication did not damage his hearing, and his ear canal and ears were normal. Further investigation revealed that he has no signs of autoimmune disease and has never been deaf. The report said that subsequent tests showed that the left ear of men is usually "sensory neurological hearing loss" caused by a virus. However, after receiving steroid treatment for a period of time, his condition improved.

  The research team stated that they need to ask the doctor about the hearing loss of COVID-19 patients receiving intensive treatment. If the patient is hearing impaired, they should be referred for first aid. The co-author of the study, Dr. Cooper, said: "If not treated in time, even unilateral hearing loss will seriously affect people's quality of life."