Comparative analysis of genetic detection of BALB/c mice by microsatellite and biochemical locus methods

  Objective To use microsatellite DNA markers to detect the genetic quality of BALB/c mice, and to compare with the current national standard biochemical marker methods, to explore its application in genetic monitoring of inbred mice, and to lay the foundation for the establishment of microsatellite DNA detection methods .

  Method 20 microsatellite gene loci and capillary electrophoresis technology were used to detect the genetic quality of BALB/c mice, and the current national standard biochemical marker method was used for detection and comparative analysis.

  Results The DNA fragments of 20 microsatellite gene loci in each sample were the same in size, and no new alleles appeared. The biochemical marker detection results also showed that 14 biochemical marker genes such as Akp1 were all homozygous, and the biochemical marker phenotypes were consistent among individuals. According to national standards, it meets the characteristics of the strain. The microsatellite DNA marker detection results are consistent with the biochemical marker detection results.

  Conclusion Microsatellite DNA markers can accurately and reliably detect the genetic quality of inbred mice. The 20 microsatellite loci selected in this study can be used for genetic quality monitoring of BALB/c mice.