Discovered that conserved regenerative responsive enhancers actually affect vertebrate regeneration

  In a new study, researchers from the Stovalls Medical Institute, Howard-Hughes Medical Institute, and Stanford University discovered that the conservative regenerative responsive enhancer (regeneration) is related to tail regeneration in two fish species. -responsive enhancer).

  As these researchers have pointed out, some species can regenerate lost body parts. For example, lizards can regenerate their lost tails, while many other animals, including most mammals, cannot regenerate damaged body parts. Despite extensive research, scientists have been unable to explain this. In this new study, they discovered what they thought was an important clue—conserved enhancers of regenerative response.

  Previous research has shown that DNA sequences include non-coding sequences called enhancers, which, as the name suggests, play a role in enhancing gene activity. In this new study, these researchers want to know whether it is possible that certain enhancers may be involved in the regenerative response of fish-in this case, medaka and zebrafish. They pointed out that previous research has shown that these two fish species diverged from the same genetic branch about 230 million years ago-a short period of time, but enough for them to see changes in their DNA. If their tails are bitten by predators or severed by researchers, this change can cause their tail ends to regenerate.

  When studying the DNA of these two fish species, these researchers were able to isolate an enhancer, which they named regenerative response enhancer, which can affect a gene called inhibin beta A (inhibin beta A) Its activity indicates that it may play a role in allowing or preventing regeneration. They also found the same enhancer in Cairo spiny mice, which can regenerate ear tissues, but they did not find such enhancers in domestic mice because they cannot regenerate ears.

  These researchers found that when they let the enhancer in the fish lose their function, the fish can no longer regenerate the lost tail part---this clearly shows that their research direction is correct. They believe that their research shows that enhancers play an important role in the regeneration of body parts.