Cherries can prevent cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

  -Researchers from the University of Hartfordshire conducted a pioneering study and found that drinking Montmorency cherry juice can prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

  Discovered by the Romans, Montmorency cherry has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and is not inferior to any usual medical substances.

  There are very few studies in this field, so research focuses on the impact of metabolic syndrome on patients, increasing the risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In a pilot study of 11 men and women with cardiovascular health problems, researchers found that those who drank juice or cherries in capsule form and those who only drank placebo. In contrast, we found that it had a significant positive change within 2 hours. When insulin levels drop, blood pressure drops.

  Terun Desai, a PhD student at Hartfordshire University, said: Montmorency cherry juice may be an intervention that can delay and possibly prevent the onset of these diseases. The basis of this research is prevention, not treatment. It is not clear whether other types of cherries have similar value. Further research has shown that, due to its highest phytochemical composition, Montemorency cherry may be the most effective. "