Reveal the molecular mechanism of out-of-control cAMP molecules inducing liver cancer

  Since humans first controlled the fire, they have camped around the fire, spread information, and began to signal each other when the danger was approaching. Similarly, certain molecules with special messages around cells can also help regulate our body as needed. A molecule called cyclic AMP (cAMP) moves freely within the cell and helps control various processes in the body. Surprisingly, it looks like it is in the right place, at the right time.

  Scientists don’t know how cAMP currently works because it continues to adapt to changes. Scientists such as the University of California have recently explained this, and the relevant research results have been published in the international journal Cell. .. Researcher Susan Taylor said that she is very interested in studying the effects of cAMP on health. In this research, we designed a fluorescent tool that combines gene editing technology CRISPR and biosensor technology. This type of fluorescent probe can help researchers observe the inside of cells in a whole new way. It has been found that uncontrolled cAMP can lead to the development of a rare type of liver cancer, fibrous stratified carcinoma (FLC). Researchers found that cAMP and calcium ions are two important secondary signal molecules required by human cells. Their sites of action are usually carefully regulated by binding proteins, kinases and scaffold proteins to form a community of signal molecules. I explained that it will be formed. Researchers believe that cells are usually composed of organelles wrapped in membranes. These organelles are like factory rooms that perform special functions, such as cell energy factories, mitochondria. The researchers were surprised to find some energy. The main protein that binds to cAMP forms intracellular membraneless (wallless) organelles through a process similar to the formation of oil droplets in water.

  CAMP dynamically separates into these membraneless organelles. When these structures are destroyed, cAMP overwhelms the cells, causing them to grow out of control and induce tumors. Researchers say that most FLC patients have mutations. This mutation adds important cAMP regulatory proteins to unrelated proteins. Researchers know that this hybrid protein can cause FLC tumorigenesis, but they do not know the specific molecular mechanism. In this study, an oncogenic fusion protein interfered with cAMP-containing membraneless organelles, causing cell overflow and normal liver cells to lose the ability to form membraneless organelles containing these cAMP. Researchers found that it looked out of control, which is a sign of cancer. This study also revealed the specific mechanism of FLC production and how uncontrollable cAMP causes cancer. Researcher Jin Zhang said that these only account for 1% of the total number of cells, but these membraneless organelles can absorb 99% of cell tissue, and these membraneless organelles containing cAMP are also FLC carcinogenic fusions. He said it might be completely blocked by protein. It can help researchers accidentally discover the mechanism of its carcinogenic effects.

  CAMP is so important to all human cells that it exists in the membraneless organelles of the brain, heart and pancreas. Therefore, researchers are currently analyzing the function of these dynamic structures in the specific cell types mentioned above. Researchers have recently begun to attract attention. Various membraneless organelles will be formed in biological systems, but in the future, we will deeply analyze the remaining components in these membraneless organelles, and special molecules will enter and flow out of these membraneless organelles. The rules can promote a deeper understanding. Organella is directly involved in the development of cancer, so future researchers will continue to conduct detailed studies at the molecular level to clarify the molecular mechanism of uncontrolled cAMP-induced cancer.