How to manage special chemical substance animal experiment facilities?

  Special animal experiments that use chemical substances for safety testing will have certain effects on the health of experimenters and related personnel, such as carcinogens, and their facilities and equipment are harmful to humans and pollute the experimental site and the surrounding environment. It must be prevented. The basic structure of the facility is that the air pressure in the breeding room is negative, and the wind direction in the breeding room is the air inlet, one person, one animal and one exhaust outlet. The rooms before and after the breeding room are in the buffer room, and the rooms before and after are in the middle. The wind direction in the corridor on the side of the front room is controlled by positive pressure. Because there are highly airtight doors between each room and the corridor, and the corridor on the side of the back room is under negative pressure, there is a danger signal. Keep the floor, walls and ceiling of the breeding room clean and dust-free, and install ceiling lights. Special work clothes and protective equipment are required in the room.

  In addition, the laboratory can use a directional flow system, a closet-type supply system or a special design, such as the addition of a negative pressure laminar flow cabinet. Chemicals will not harm humans or the environment.