breakthrough! Research and develop new treatment methods for liver cancer

  In the latest phase of molecular therapy, researchers from Skoltech and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced a new combination therapy for liver cancer that combines the siRNA method developed by Dr. Zatsepin (Skoltech) and the lipid developed by the Anderson Institute (MIT). With high-quality nanoparticle technology, scientists have targeted proteins related to apoptosis (a regulatory program for cell death). When used in combination with chemotherapy, this method can significantly reduce the tumor burden in a mouse model of liver cancer. Liver cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world, and its incidence has more than tripled since 1980. The advanced stage of this cancer is very aggressive and resistant to all conventional chemotherapy. Until recently, the multi-kinase inhibitor regulafenib and two different checkpoint inhibitors were approved in patients who progressed after sorafenib treatment, but this only increased overall survival by 3 months and required Perform a new treatment.

  "All we did was turn off the mechanisms that prevent cell death, especially in liver cells," explained Dominique Leboeuf, a doctoral student at the Skoltech Institute and lead author of the study. done. "Turning off this mechanism increases the likelihood of cell death. This makes chemotherapy more effective, killing more cancer cells and preventing cancer cells from dividing. Our siRNA can reach all liver cells, but cancer cells are more sensitive. They divide. Faster and therefore more susceptible to treatment, normal cells can survive. The result is that Skoltech, Professor Konstantin Piatkov of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Timofei Zatsepin have a long-term collaboration. It is led by Professor Daniel Anderson and his professor. At NGP With the funding of the project, the research was conducted at Skoltech and MIT, taking advantage of these two teams to provide students and researchers with the greatest learning experience. Timofei Zatsepin said: “This research started when K. Piatkov established an external A clear idea put forward when working with the laboratory. His expertise and Daniel Anderson's excellent technology in oligonucleotide drug delivery. Developed a new method to treat liver cancer: First, Dominic confirmed that the proposed molecular mechanism can selectively kill tumor cells while maintaining normal cells. Through cooperation with the laboratory of MIT Daniel Anderson, we have demonstrated the prospect of this combination therapy for liver cancer in animal models, and there are many combined applications of siRNA and other drugs. I find it very difficult. Please provide a cure. "

  Research leader Professor Konstantin Piatkov said: “Because the target protein we treat is expressed in all types of cells, the combination therapy developed in this research is suitable for all types of cancer. In the future, many cancers The patient’s prognosis will improve. I think it may eventually improve."