New discovery! A balanced intake of carbohydrates and fats may help effectively prevent the occurrence of various metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes

  Recently, in a research report published in the international journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists from the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and other institutions found through research that high levels of carbohydrate intake may help regulate the body’s special The expression of genes can help reduce the risk of obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases. This may be good news for many people, but the bad news is that a large amount of fat intake may reduce this protective effect, and it will also induce a variety of health problems for people who regularly consume fatty foods. Researcher Chao-Qiang Lai pointed out that this is very exciting for nutrition research, because it can help us understand the molecular mechanism of balanced nutrition that affects the health of the body from the perspective of a very important single gene called CPT1A.

  We cannot say that all carbohydrates can help the body prevent type 2 diabetes, nor can we say that avoiding fat intake can protect the body from obesity, but a balanced intake of carbohydrates and fat may be the best way to prevent metabolic diseases. Methods. In this latest study, the researchers found that a person’s dietary habits may affect the activity level of the CPT1A gene, and eventually produce positive or negative health problems. The intake of high levels of carbohydrates or lower levels of CPT1A genes Expression is related, and high-fat intake is directly related to the high-level expression of the gene. So how does food intake affect gene expression and ultimately affect the body's health?