What should the personnel of laboratory animal facilities pay attention to?

  In the management of laboratory animal facilities, personnel management is the most important and core of management. If the management is not strict, problems are likely to occur. There are many lessons. People act in violation of regulations, enter and exit facilities in violation of regulations, affect the quality of laboratory animals and animal experiments, and cause serious accidents and outbreaks. Compared with equipment and animals, humans are the person in charge and manager of laboratory animal facilities, and are the main contradiction in facility management. Due to human subjective initiative, it is impossible to objectively pass over autoclaves, aqueducts, etc. like other objects. Thorough disinfection and sterilization make personnel access control a key and difficult point in the management of laboratory animal facilities. Therefore, employees' legal concepts, professional qualities and professional ethics have a significant impact on the control level of laboratory animal facilities.

  (1) General requirements for personnel entering and exiting facilities

  (1) The technicians, managers and breeders engaged in laboratory animal facilities have all been trained by laboratory animal practitioners and are at the state (city) level. Laboratory animal care must be maintained. Employment certificate issued by the agent. The staff entering the specific laboratory animal facility should also receive technical training on the operation and management of standardized facilities

  (2) Physicians entering the facility must abide by various anti-epidemic laws and regulations, and must be sterile and clean. You need to develop the concept of habit, wash your hair frequently, trim your nails and beard frequently.

  (3) Allergies, inflammations, chemical fibers, chemical reagents, drugs, and animals that are not suitable for the treatment of laboratory animals are not allowed to enter the facility.

  (4) People suffering from flu, cold, cough, diarrhea, etc. can enter the laboratory animal facility after recovery.

  (5) Personal items such as keys and accessories cannot be brought into the laboratory animal facility.

  (6) The laboratory animal facility does not allow loud sounds or jumping, and the operator's range of activities must be small.

  (7) It is forbidden to make up in a clean place. Women should not enter the isolation facility to work during menstruation.

  (8) Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited in laboratory animal facilities. Do not enter the clean area within 30 minutes after smoking or drinking.

  (9) It is forbidden to untie work clothes, expose the body to protective equipment and touch the mouth, nose, eyes and hair by hand during work.

  (10) After use, put the hand tools, tools, pens and paper back into a closed container with a lid.

  (11) Chalk blackboards are prohibited in obstacle facilities, and pencils or recording papers are not allowed for recording.

  (12) After personnel from various regions entered the laboratory, they closed the door. For non-work tasks, employees are not allowed to move between different areas of the facility and laboratory.

  (13) Minimize the number of people entering laboratory animal facilities.

  (2) General procedures for entering and leaving isolation facilities

  (1) When entering the facility, please strictly follow the procedures for entering the laboratory animal facility, and strictly observe the direction and sequence of personnel, logistics and animal movement. please. All items carried with you should be disinfected.

  (2) Enter the first dressing room, put on slippers and take off coat.

  (3) Go into the shower and wash the whole body, especially the exposed parts of epidemic clothes, such as limbs.

  (4) After bathing, enter the second changing room, dry the body with a sterile towel, and then put on a mask, a hat, clean underwear and overalls.

  (5) Spray the hands with 75% alcohol for disinfection.

  (6) Enter the air shower room, raise both hands, and turn the body to the air shower room for 1 minute.

  (7) After the fan stops, enter a clean corridor and laboratory.

  (8) After completion, enter the dirt corridor directly from the laboratory, exit the barrier facility, and then enter the first locker room again.