What should be paid attention to when designing an animal laboratory?

  Class 1 common animal (CV) refers to common animals in which microorganisms are not subject to special control. The pathogens of zoonotic diseases and the few severely infected pathogens in laboratory animals must be excluded. In order to prevent infectious diseases, certain measures should be taken during the reproduction and reproduction of laboratory animals to ensure the reproducibility of test results (that is, using the same strain and different operators). In experiments conducted in accordance with prescribed experimental procedures, animals at different times can obtain almost the same results. Class II clean animals (CL) requiring the elimination of pathogens of zoonotic diseases and major zoonotic diseases. In addition to the second level, the third level SPF-free animals also exclude certain prescribed pathogens. Sterilization-can use high efficiency air filter sterilization method, ultraviolet sterilization method, triethylene glycol vapor spray method, lithium chloride aqueous solution spray method for sterilization. Grade 4 sterile animals (GF) or siblings (GN). Sterile animals must be free of microorganisms that can be detected by existing methods. Habitant animals need to be transplanted into sterile animals together with one or several known microorganisms. In the pathological examination, the four types of experimental animals have different pathological examination standards.

  First-level appearance must be healthy, and major organs must be disease-free.

  Except for the primary indicators, there is no secondary microbial pathogens under the microscope.

  Grade 3 animal, no special pathogens. There are no secondary or tertiary microbial pathogens.

  Grade 4 does not include Grade 2 and Grade 3 microbial pathogen lesions. The spleen and lymph nodes are the histological structures of sterile animals.

  In short, laboratories of different levels have different requirements for the design and management of animal rooms.

  Known sterile bacteria and animals that do not contain known pathogens must be kept in a sterile or as sterile environment as possible. Now, this kind of environment is usually called a barrier environment in the world. In other words, the barrier is used to pollute the animal and its surrounding environment, and the environment is isolated, just like the fetus is in the mother's womb. From the perspective of microbial control, the environment can be divided into five categories: separation system, barrier system, semi-barrier system, open system and laminar flow rack system.

  Separation system

  is a system for keeping animals in a container equipped with surgical gloves, which are used to raise sterile and live animals. The interior can maintain a level of 100 cleanliness according to microbial requirements, but the room and the operator need not be regarded as a sterile room.

  B barrier system

  Use approximately 10,000 to 100,000 sterile clean rooms as breeding rooms. The breeding room is mainly used for long-term breeding and breeding of animals without special pathogens. We strictly control the time of entering the room, such as changing the clothes in the bathtub and shower.

  C semi-barrier system

  When entering and leaving the room, it simplifies the management of people and objects in the barrier system, and the configuration of the aircraft is almost the same as the barrier system.

  D laminar flow rack system

  The cage is placed in clean laminar air. It is usually used for small-scale breeding, but there is a risk of contamination during breeding, handling and processing in ordinary rooms. It can be used to supplement the half barrier.

  E Open System

  is a system that cannot eliminate pollution such as people, objects and air entering and leaving the room, but usually requires some cleaning management.

  indicates various system requirements for laboratory animal environmental indicators.

  ◆Project index open system (CV) simple barrier system (CL) barrier system (SPF) separation system (GF, GN)


  ◆Daily temperature difference/℃8333

  ◆Relative humidity/% 40-7040-7040-7040-70

  ◆Ventilation speed/(time/h) 10-1510-1510 -15


  ◆Pressure difference / Pa20-5020-5020-50

  ◆Cleanliness / 1010,000 Class 100

  ◆Bacteria count/ [individual/(ware?h)] 12.22.450.49

  ◆The mass concentration of ammonia/(mg/m3) 14141414



  Purification measures to achieve environmental indicators in the animal room One. Thanks to the air purifier

  Animal rooms are places where experimental animals move for a long time, so they cannot be disinfected by fumigation and cleaning under breeding conditions, and they can usually only be cleaned with weak disinfectants. In this case, the first condition is to ensure air purification to avoid microbial infection; B. Outside air

  There are two problems with traffic pollution control and deodorization. Therefore, most purification air conditioning systems need to use outside air, but the energy consumption problem is very serious because the purification system is susceptible to changes in air and is outside air.

  C. Deodorant

  This is not only necessary for the external environment and staff, but also for the laboratory animals themselves. In addition to indoor microbial pollution, animal excrement and gases produced by the secondary conversion of microorganisms such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and alcohol are also important pollutants. The stronger the smell of these gases, the more animals themselves. Not too clean. At this time, there is no quantitative data or measurement method for the odor margin, but the ammonia concentration must be controlled. There are usually two deodorization methods: adsorption of outside air and activated carbon.