Phase III clinical trials show that olaparib, used in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer, will lead to changes in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer

  In a phase III clinical trial that changes clinical practice, drugs used to treat breast and ovarian cancer can extend the lifespan of certain men with prostate cancer, making it the new standard treatment for the disease. I concluded that it should be so. method. The final results of the clinical trial showed that a pioneering drug called olaparib-a pioneering drug called a PARP inhibitor, was also the first anticancer drug to target genetic defects in damaged DNA. It can be successfully used to treat poorly repaired prostate cancer.

  This innovative drug is more effective than modern hormone drugs avilateron and enzaltamide in slowing the growth and spread of advanced prostate cancer.

  Earlier this year, the results of this clinical trial called PROfound led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve Olaparib, making it the first gene to treat prostate cancer. One of the target drugs.

  The clinical trial reported that the incidence and prognosis of male patients with DNA repair defects in the tumor were improved, but the final results published at this stage provided a longer follow-up period, and finally confirmed that olaparib during delivery could increase Survival rate of male patients. This in-depth clinical trial examined 387 patients with advanced prostate cancer who had defects in one or more of 15 DNA repair genes.

  Researchers from the Cancer Institute in the UK first discovered how olaparib targets tumors with defective DNA repair functions. They are now looking forward to the results of profound clinical trials that have paved the way for the use of olaparib in the treatment of prostate cancer and have been approved by European and British regulatory agencies. Male patients with genetic changes in tumors were divided into two groups. One group was men with changes in the BRCA1, BRCA2, or ATM genes, and the other group was men with other changes in DNA repair genes under study. These male patients were then randomly assigned to receive olaparib or standard hormone therapy. DNA damage is the root cause of cancer, but it is also an important weakness of cancer, because cancer cells also need to be able to repair their own DNA, so it can be used. In the final analysis of the in-depth clinical trial data, these researchers found that olaparib was more effective than modern target hormones Avitron and Enzamide in male patients with DNA repair gene problems. I stopped the growth of prostate cancer. The median overall survival of patients with genetic changes in DNA repair genes BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM after receiving olaparib treatment was 19.1, while those receiving targeted hormone therapy were 14.7 months. This is a month. At the same time, the overall survival rate of patients with any other genetic changes in DNA repair genes in this study was 14.1 after olaparib treatment, while the overall survival rate of patients receiving targeted hormone therapy was 11.5?

  In this clinical trial, patients can "cross" --- this means that as the disease progresses, the treatment can be changed and the experimental drug olaparib can be started. Of the 131 men (86) who received targeted hormone therapy, 66% received olaparib cross therapy. These researchers analyzed the impact of targeted hormone therapy on the survival rate of cross-dose olaparib and found that people who received cross-dose olaparib were less likely to die prematurely.

  Based on the results of this clinical trial, the researchers said that olaparib, after being approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. National Institute of Public Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), was formerly avilarone and enzaltamide. Latest Products. Being receiving targeted hormone therapy may benefit men with advanced prostate cancer who have BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM gene defects. Male patients with defective DNA repair genes other than BRCA or ATM are more likely to be treated with olaparib, but the data are still uncertain. In the next step, these researchers will study a combination of new drugs to make olaparib more effective in helping men with prostate cancer and DNA repair gene defects live longer.

  Research co-leader and Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine, Cancer Research UK, Johann de Bono, said: "We believe our results will change the treatment of prostate cancer. We hope it will change soon. The drug Olaparib for breast and ovarian cancer After the treatment of enzaltamide or avirateron and the treatment of BRCA1 and BRCA2, or it can extend the life of men with advanced prostate cancer with ATM gene defects, the United States has approved olaparib for the treatment of prostate cancer. The final results of clinical trials indicate that the innovative drug is in Europe. We hope to get approval in the UK as soon as possible, and hope that more male patients can get this targeted therapy.

  Canceresearch UK CEO Paul Workman said: "The gene-targeted drug olaparib has been observed to have a huge impact on male prostate cancer patients. I am really excited. The benefits of this innovative drug. One is that its side effects are far Less than chemotherapy because it can target the Achilles tendon of prostate cancer without attacking healthy cells in the body. Austria Lapani provides smarter and more friendly personalized treatments. In the UK, we are making progress, including groundbreaking Clinical trials. These trials have changed the science and practice of UK Canceresearch. The next step is to make us one step further and make us more resistant. Research on new combinations of therapies that can help prevent or overcome, this is the new anti-cancer drug discovery center main target.