Reveal the molecular mechanism of ovarian cancer growth and evolution in the body

  Recently, in a research report published in the international journal Cancer Research, scientists from the City University of New York and other institutions revealed the molecular mechanism of ovarian cancer growth and evolution in the human body through research. This research report entitled "Multi-omic analysis of subtype evolution and heterogeneity in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma" has certain basic scientific significance. In the article, the researchers put forward their own insights into the process of tumorigenesis for decades. , And the practical significance of these ideas for the development of targeted therapies for cancer subtypes.

  Every year, more than 20,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and about 14,000 patients will die; researcher Waldron said that it is very difficult to understand the mechanism of heterogeneous tumor evolution before the diagnosis of the disease, because we cannot directly Observing the evolution of tumors, but by observing tumors discovered at different stages of evolution and conducting detailed studies on the genomic characteristics and heterogeneity of tumors, researchers may be able to capture something new; now researchers want to know whether The occurrence of tumors will start with a certain subtype and can continue to maintain this state, or will it continue to evolve, change and even reproduce over time; if a tumor subtype can evolve and reproduce in the tumor, then It seems unlikely that specific treatments for tumor subtypes will help.

  To answer this question, in this study, researchers developed a new method to infer the existence of heterogeneous tumor subtypes from complementary types of genomic data. They can use complementary but complete different methods to solve the same problem. One method can use traditional methods to perform DNA and RNA sequencing on a large number of tumor tissues, and the other method can perform a new type of single-cell sequencing analysis on a part of tumors; both methods can get consistent images, which may be It will increase the confidence of scientists in the results obtained by the two new methods.

  A result that surprised the researchers negated the idea of discrete transcriptome subtypes of cancer, replaced by a continuous tumor model, including a mixture of subclones, accumulation of mutations, immune cells and stromal cell infiltration (its The ratio is related to the tumor stage and the tissue of origin), and the evolutionary characteristics between the characteristics related to the discrete subtypes; finally, the researcher Waldron said that, unfortunately, the previous researchers' views on the discrete subtypes were too simple, and it may not It is too likely to help us understand the pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of diseases; fortunately, as scientists have a clearer understanding of tumor heterogeneity and the rapid development of technologies to understand tumor heterogeneity, In the future, researchers may be more hopeful to analyze the causes of tumor heterogeneity and develop targeted anti-cancer therapies.