Provenance and germplasm characteristics of Rongshui mini-pig

  My country has abundant mini-pig resources. Dozens of institutions have carried out experimental animalization studies on nearly 10 types of mini-pigs, and have cultivated Wuzhishan mini-pigs, Banna mini-pigs, Guizhou mini-pigs, Bama mini-pigs, China's large and small pigs, Tibet Small pigs for experiments such as miniature pigs and Potentilla miniature pigs. However, China has not yet established a stable supply of miniature pig breeds for experimental animals. Compared with well-known foreign miniature pigs such as Göttingen miniature pigs, the standardization research and breeding of experimental miniature pigs in China exist in large-scale production and supply. The huge gap makes it difficult to meet the ever-increasing demand for animal experiments. Unlike the breeding methods adopted in foreign countries, most of the experimental miniature pigs in China are selected by naturally formed closed herds. Therefore, a good source becomes experimental animalization. Basic, and "small size, light weight, gentle temperament, consistent phenotype" is the key. In recent years, researchers have discovered a small black pig with a gentle temperament in Miao Village, Rongshui County, Guangxi. In May 2012, the breed was introduced to the miniature pig base in Leping Town, Sanshui, Foshan, Guangdong for experimental animalization research. The germplasm characteristics of Rongshui miniature pigs are shown in:

  1. The provenance of Rongshui mini-pigs

  The source of Rongshui mini-pigs comes from Miao Village, Baixiu Village, Gandong Township, Rongshui County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The pigs are called "xiangzhu", "Damiaoshan Xiangzhu", "miaozhu" and "Rongshui Heixiang" locally. Pig" etc. The Miao Village is located in the high mountains and the transportation is very inconvenient. Therefore, the pig is inbreeding with almost no foreign genes introduced. After thousands of years of breeding, the genetic traits are stable. It belongs to a typical closed group formed naturally, and there is no research report on the characteristics of the pig germplasm resources.

  2. Germplasm characteristics of Rongshui mini-pig

  Body appearance: The Rongshui mini-pig has a short body, a black coat, and a small amount of white lips and white limbs. The head is large, the face is straight, the forehead has longitudinal wrinkles, the ears are small and thin, slightly extended forward, slightly drooping or flat on both sides. The neck is short and thin, the back and waist are straight or slightly concave, the abdomen is large and drooping but does not drag the floor, and the tail is slender. Most sows have 5-6 pairs of nipples, and a small amount can reach 7 pairs. The hindquarters are plump, with short, slender limbs, and the limbs are usually lying.

  Growth performance: Rongshui mini-pigs grow slowly. The average weights of F1 female and male piglets at the age of 6 months and 12 months are 17.21±5.20㎏ and 16.35±5.23㎏, 26.97±6.49㎏ and 26.53±5.65㎏, respectively. The average weight of a 3-month-old empty-breasted sow is 44.60 kg.

  Reproductive performance: sows have obvious estrus symptoms, and the pregnancy rate of natural mating in one estrus is relatively high, about 88.3%; the average gestation period after the introduction of sows is 112 days, the average number of first births is 6.1, and the number of live births is 5.9; The average litter size is 7.9 and the number of live piglets is 5.9. The piglets are weaned at 45-60 days of age.