The scientific research team of Harbin Veterinary Research Institute found that miRNA can be used as a marker for MDV infection and tumorigenesis

  Chicken Marek’s disease is a common infectious disease in poultry farming, and Marek virus (MDV) is the chief culprit of the disease. New research has found that microRNA (miRNA) has a regulatory effect on MDV tumorigenesis. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanism of MDV tumorigenesis, a scientific research team from the Harbin Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences studied the host and viral miRNA expression profiles of MDV susceptible individuals.

  The researchers used miRNA chip technology (the miRNA chip analysis project was undertaken by Lianchuan Biological) to analyze the miRNA expression profile of the host and virus infected by MDV. It was found that 79 miRNAs had obvious differential expression, and the results were verified by qRT-PCR. Experimental data shows that differentially expressed miRNAs may play a major role in tumorigenesis caused by MDV. At the same time, the researchers also found that in the spleen tumors and non-tumor spleen tissues of GA-infected chickens, some host miRNAs showed increased expression.

  This study provides new insights into the regulation of miRNA on MDV tumorigenesis. Some differentially expressed miRNAs can be used as markers for MDV infection and tumorigenesis.