How to evaluate the suppliers of laboratory animals, feed and litter?

  1 Evaluation of laboratory animal suppliers

  1.1 The laboratory animal purchaser has made preliminary contact with the supplier who has a "laboratory animal production license" to understand the quality of the animal provided by its nearest supplier in the last 6 months and the quality of service.

  1.2 Suppliers who are basically satisfied with the initial inspection should organize on-site inspections, such as company size, facility level, animal quality control measures and the types of animals they supply.

  1.3 For on-site qualified suppliers, they will be included in the list of qualified suppliers to negotiate the purchase of required animals. For suppliers who use animals for the first time, the number of animals purchased in the first batch should be as small as possible. The veterinarian will determine if the animal is suddenly abnormal.

  1.4 Re-evaluate certified suppliers. Suppliers in the list of certified suppliers should contact them regularly to check whether there are major changes in their environment and hardware equipment.

  2 Feed supplier evaluation

  2.1 Feed purchasers will be notified in advance of those who have the “experimental animal feed production license” and the customers they have recently served within the past 6 months. The quality of feed and the quality of services provided.

  2.2 For suppliers who are basically satisfied with the preliminary inspection, an on-site inspection should be organized, including company size, hardware environment, feed quality monitoring measures and the type of feed provided.

  2.3 For suppliers who need on-site inspection, they will be on the list of certified suppliers and will negotiate on the required feed. If you are providing feeds for the first time, you should purchase as few feeds as possible in the first batch. Use this batch of feed to observe the condition of the animal after the meal, such as weight, fur and spirit. The veterinarian will determine if the animal is suddenly abnormal.

  2.4 Re-evaluation of qualified suppliers. Suppliers in the list of certified suppliers should contact them regularly to check whether there are major changes in their environment and hardware equipment.

  2.5 The feed provided by qualified suppliers shall be randomly tested annually to detect nutrition, microorganisms, chemical contaminants, etc.

  3 garbage supplier rating

  3.1 Waste procurement representatives first contact the supplier to understand the quality and service of waste provided by the customer in the past six months.

  3.2 For suppliers who are basically satisfied with the preliminary inspection, an on-site inspection should be organized, including company size, waste quality monitoring measures and types of waste provided.

  3.3 We will negotiate the purchase of necessary bedding, which will be included in the list of qualified suppliers for site visitors. For suppliers of first-time bedding, the first batch of bedding should be as small as possible. The animals using this batch of bedding should be used in a control experiment to observe the condition of this batch of animals after use, mainly including coat color, skin color, irritability, etc. Find out its softness and comfort, and find out its water absorption.

  3.4 Re-evaluate certified suppliers. Suppliers in the list of certified suppliers should contact them regularly to check whether there are major changes in their environment and hardware equipment.

  3.5 The garbage provided by qualified suppliers shall be randomly inspected once a year.