A simple and convenient new method for extracting mouse cerebrospinal fluid

  Objective To establish a simple and easy method for extracting mouse cerebrospinal fluid, with low materials, high survival rate and success rate, and to provide reference for related research on mouse cerebrospinal fluid.

  Method Self-made micro pipette. Fix the head of the mouse at an angle of about 120° to the body, bluntly separate the subcutaneous tissue and muscle of the mouse with tweezers, find the white dura mater of the mouse, enter the tube to the cerebellar medulla oblongata, slowly extract the mouse cerebrospinal fluid The tube was withdrawn, and finally the mouse wound was sutured.

  Results 2-5μL of mouse cerebrospinal fluid was successfully obtained, and the mice survived.

  Discussion At present, most of the literature records the method of extracting cerebrospinal fluid from rats or the more complicated method of extracting cerebrospinal fluid from mice. This method of extracting cerebrospinal fluid for mice is not only simple and easy to implement, requires low equipment, and has a high success rate. The survival rate is high and can be drawn repeatedly.