Occupational health training and assessment of laboratory animal institutions

  1. Overview includes

  The purpose of training including Drill is to improve employees' occupational health and safety awareness, to understand the knowledge they can respond to, and to improve their ability to perform duties and respond to crises. This is to ensure and ensure that personnel perform corresponding duties and abilities, health and safety. The training content includes management regulations training, basic knowledge training, special skills training, safety training, etc. Training methods include lectures, discussions, operations, practical training and exercises, and must be designed according to the type of work and personal ability.

  Drill is mainly pre-configured to continuously improve emergency procedures, enhance collaboration capabilities, check team emergency response capabilities and verify the satisfaction of resource allocation. It is designed to simulate emergency procedures, potential events or emergencies.

  2. Demand analysis

  After the evaluation is passed, the management passes the work to determine the continuous training needs of employees of different levels and positions, such as training for new employees and transfers. If you are responsible, you can consider the following factors in your needs analysis:

  1) Determine the gap between the employees’ current occupational health and safety awareness and ability and the ability required for the position they are engaged in. If you change one of the two changes, you need to re-identify it.

  2) Determine training needs based on occupational health and safety factors or duties, such as the following.

  -Occupational health and safety policy, target and control plan;

  -Hazard risk assessment and control plan;

  -code of conduct;

  -use personal protective equipment;

  -use emergency equipment;

  -Facilities and equipment maintenance;

  -Operation management, emergency preparedness and response, etc.;

  --Laws, regulations, standards, institutional management regulations, etc.

  3) The drilling rig is mainly pre-configured for emergency procedures, which requires careful planning and planning. The emergency procedures that need to be performed include

  Accidental disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, power outage and man-made damage.

  -Sudden safety incidents such as biological, chemical or radiological hazards from spills or leaks.

  3. Training and practice procedures and plans

  The organization shall formulate training and practice policies and procedures and formulate annual plans. Training is a long-term task of the organization. Organizations need to formulate training policies and procedures based on their unique development needs, related party requirements, working conditions and human resource capabilities. Therefore, training can be institutionalized, standardized and practiced to achieve training effects.. You can score.

  Drill is an important activity and requires careful planning to get good results. Exercises should try to simulate the actual situation as much as possible. It usually includes a planning phase, an implementation phase, a summary phase and an improvement phase. The exercise may be announced in advance or not, and its impact on normal work and related institutions should be assessed. In the planning phase, you need to determine the objectives, time and location of the exercise, commanders, participants, rules, technical and material preparation, plans, etc. During the implementation phase, records should be made to ensure that relevant activities are not affected by normal operations. After the exercise, create a report to analyze the defects, problems and improvements found in the exercise, and submit a summary exercise report to the management for review and make improvement plans as needed.

  Laboratory facilities must pay attention to the following aspects in order to develop and maintain appropriate training and exercise programs.

  -the organization's occupational health and safety policies, goals and implementation methods.

  -specific positions involving employees

  -The knowledge and skills required by employees to ensure occupational health and safety in animal husbandry and laboratory operations;

  -Regulations, regulations and standards, etc.;-Basic knowledge is required.

  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of training

  The most basic purpose of training (including training) is the expected training objectives, such as the ability of employees to acquire job skills, meet job requirements, and improve occupational health and safety performance. It can be achieved. Therefore, to evaluate the effectiveness of the trainees, to assess the ability of the trainees, the training policy and plan are reasonable, the ability of the trainees to achieve the established goals, and the relevant performance is the goal. You need to make sure that the requirements are met.

  Training effect evaluation is a systematic method using multiple models. The common evaluation model is a four-tier evaluation model: response level, acquisition level, behavior level and performance level. The main indicator of response level is student satisfaction. The acquisition level focuses on the degree of acquisition of knowledge, skills, awareness and behavior. The behavior level focuses on the changes in student work behavior before and after training. The performance level focuses on the performance of the organization. Improved through training. Different evaluation levels and content will have different evaluation methods. For example, you can use surveys or interviews for response levels. You can use knowledge tests, operational evaluations, observations, etc. to obtain levels. Behavioral levels can include comparing previous and subsequent observations. Methods: For performance levels, methods such as reviews and index ratings can be used. It should be noted that there is no required relationship between training and training effects. If you do not evaluate the training effect, you will not be able to understand the training results and may produce bad results. according to

  Assessing the results, the organization should improve training as needed. The evaluation results of each ability must be saved in a personal file. This can be used as a condition for employees to go to work.