Laboratory animal allergy

  I. Overview

  Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is considered an occupational disease, which mainly causes allergic inflammation in the respiratory tract, skin and eyes of employees. According to foreign research, 3/4 of the employees who raise and use laboratory animals have allergic symptoms, of which about 1/3 are diagnosed with LAA, and about 1/10 will develop asthma.. LAA allergens are mainly limited to experiments Animal-related allergens, such as animal dander, secretions, blood, hair and excrement.

  In fact, allergies are relatively frequent symptoms. There are thousands of allergens in the natural environment and living environment, and there are large individual differences in population sensitivity. Laboratory animal facilities have many allergenic factors, including chemicals, drugs, feed, bedding, dust, radiation, and physical factors. Personal stress and mental state can also cause endogenous allergens.

  2. Dangerous LAA allergens are mainly animal-derived proteins, most of which are particles smaller than 10 μm, which can be transmitted by aerosols. It is possible to inhale or come into contact with gases containing LAA allergens without direct contact with laboratory animals. Saul, in turn, is at high risk for laboratory technicians, researchers, cage cleaners, supervisors, animal carcass handlers, and section preparation personnel. Typical symptoms of LAA include nasal symptoms, itchy eyes and rashes. When workers are exposed to laboratory animals and related environments, the resulting asthma can cause symptoms of chronic asthma as well as cough, asthma and shortness of breath. It lasts for months or years. Allergic reactions caused by other factors in the workplace may have different clinical manifestations according to the physical condition and the characteristics of the allergen.

  Three, protection

  LAA is a unique occupational disease in the laboratory animal industry, and special care must be taken to protect it. People's allergies caused by other factors in the workplace cannot be ignored. Taking into account the characteristics of allergic diseases, important protective measures include:

  -Excellent equipment design,

  -Excellent ventilation and air conditioning system,

  -check the amount of ventilation,

  -Equipped with safety isolation or IVC, safety cabinet, laminar flow cabinet, cage changer, automatic operation equipment, such as cage washing machine;

  is equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment, such as breathing, head and face, eyes and bare skin.

  -implement good business habits;

  -maintain good personal hygiene;

  keep good housework alone;

  -Occupational health monitoring, such as occupational contraindication examination, physical examination, etc.;

  11 drug intervention;

  Air quality monitoring one by one;
