Discussion on Pathological Evaluation Method of Poliomyelitis Vaccine Intracerebral Method in Monkey Neurovirulence Test

  Objective: To explore the pathological evaluation method of the monkey neurovirulence test in the brain of polio vaccine.

  Methods: Rhesus monkeys were injected into the thalamus on both sides of the rhesus monkey. After 21 days of observation, the brain and spinal cord were dissected. The brain and spinal cord were completely removed. After trimming, they were dehydrated and embedded. The sections were stained with HE and gallbladder blue and observed under a light microscope. Score the nerve tissue lesions, and judge the severity of the lesions according to the score. This study involved 240 animals in 12 batches of experiments.

  Results: This method used different parts of the left and right brain including stitches, midbrain, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, cervical enlargement, and lumbar enlargement. Refer to the half-section scoring method of the pathological evaluation of the spinal cord neurotoxicity test. The lesions of the bilateral brainstem, cervical spinal cord and lumbar spinal cord were evaluated and scored, and the degree of lesions in these 3 parts was determined according to the average score and the specific lesion conditions. The incidence of specific neurological diseases in this study was 15%. The incidence of all types of vaccine lesions is similar, with the highest proportion of mild lesions. More serious lesions are mainly seen in type III vaccines.

  Conclusion: In the intracerebral neurotoxicity test, the half-section scoring method is used to score lesions, which objectively reflects the condition of neurological lesions. The method is simple and easy to implement, has strong practicability, and is conducive to the unification of judgment standards. As a reference for the pathological evaluation method of polio vaccine intracerebral neurovirulence test.