Experimental mouse research shows that the first heartbeat of the fetus occurs on the 16th day of conception

  Statistics show that there is one case of congenital heart disease in every 180 newborn babies in the UK, which is equivalent to an increase of 4,000 each year and 12 new congenital heart disease patients every day.

  Tencent Science News According to the British Daily Mail, the latest study shows that the first heartbeat of the fetus occurs on the 16th day of pregnancy. Previously, researchers believed that the first heart muscle contraction in a human fetus was the 21st day of pregnancy.

  At present, a research team at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom found that the first heartbeat of a human fetus was earlier. The research was funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF). According to the research leader and BHF professor Paul Riley (Paul Riley), we are trying to better understand how the heart develops, analyze what factors lead to heart defects in the womb before the fetus is born, and how to perform cardiac repair in adults. A study found to help provide new clues for the treatment of congenital diseases.

  By discovering how the heart beats for the first time and how problems occur during heart development, heart disease can be avoided during pregnancy. Professor Riley and the research team hope that this discovery can repair damaged muscles after a heart attack, which can easily lead to heart failure.