How to measure the air velocity of laboratory animals?

  (1) Measurement conditions

  The experimental equipment is operating under conditions close to the design load, and the measurement continues for more than 48 hours.

  (two) measuring instrument

  1. The measuring equipment is a hot valve electric anemometer with an accuracy of 0.01 or higher, or a smart digital display anemometer that has been calibrated and measured.

  2, the measuring equipment must be within a valid inspection period.

  (3) Measuring method

  1. The layout of the points should be determined according to the design requirements and intended use, the feeding and breeding area and the experimental work area should be determined, and the measuring points should be placed in this area. Generally, the air-conditioned room should be placed in a typical location in a laboratory animal cage. If no cage is installed, these points should be located 0.5 m from the cabinet structure and 1.0 m from the ground and the center of the room.

  2. The measurement method is tested in a laboratory or animal farm. If it is not particularly necessary, it should be performed at a height of 1.0 m from the ground. The turbulent clean room is arranged to measure at least 5 measurement points based on a clean area of 50 square meters or less, with an increase of 3 to 5 points for every increase of 20 to 50 square meters.

  (four) data structure

  1. The data of each measuring point should be measured under the stable operating conditions of the test equipment, and the reading should be taken after the value is stable for 10 seconds.

  2. In a turbulent clean room, take the average value of each measurement point, and judge the indoor wind speed fluctuation range and steady state based on the measurement value of each measurement point.