How to detect the static pressure difference and air cleanliness of the laboratory animal environment?

  (1) Test conditions

  1. Static testing has been carried out for at least 48 hours in the air conditioning system of a clean laboratory animal facility. The system is operating normally, process equipment is installed and there are no animals or personnel on site.

  2. The dynamic detection is tested under normal use conditions in a clean laboratory animal facility.

  (2) Measuring instrument 1. The measuring instrument is a micromanometer with an accuracy of 1.0Pa.

  2, the measuring equipment must be within a valid inspection period.

  (3) Measuring method

  1. The test will be carried out in laboratory animal facilities, and will be determined in the order of personnel flow, physical distribution, and air flow according to the design and layout of the facility.

  2. When the equipment and equipment are operating stably, read the data of each measurement point.

  5. Air cleanliness test method

  (1) Test conditions

  1. When the environmental purification air conditioning system in the laboratory animal facility operates normally for at least 48 hours, the process equipment has been installed and there are no animals or staff in the room, a static test will be performed.

  2. Perform dynamic tests in laboratory animal facilities during normal production or laboratory work.

  (two) test equipment

  1. Dust counter.

  2, the measuring equipment must be within a valid inspection period.

  (3) Measuring method

  1. As static electricity is detected, clean the clean area and clean air conditioning system should be thoroughly cleaned. The measuring equipment must be fully preheated, the sampling tube must be clean, and the connection must be leak-proof. The length of the sampling tube should be the length allowed by the instrument. If there is no regulation, do not exceed 1.5 m. The flow velocity of the sampling port is close to the average wind speed in the clean room area, and the inspector must be located below the sampling port.

  2. Dynamic detection In the experimental work area or animal breeding area, select and detect the wind direction of typical measurement points. The detection method and operation are the same as static detection.

  (4) Measuring point layout

  1. When testing the experimental working area, if there is no special experimental requirement, the sampling height should be on the working plane 1.0m from the ground.

  2. When testing the feeding area of animals, the sampling height is the center of the cage height, and the horizontal height is about 0.9-1.0 m on the plane.

  3, the measuring point interval is 0.5 to 2.0m, the total number of measuring points in the laminar flow clean room is 20 or more. The turbulent clean room has 5 measuring points with an area less than 50 square meters, and 3-5 measuring points need to be added for every 20-50 square meters. Each measuring point is measured 3 times continuously.

  (5) Sampling flow rate and sampling volume

  Class 1.5 requires clean laboratory animal facilities (equipment) with a sampling flow of 1.0L/min and a sampling volume of 1.0L or more.

  2. The sampling flow of laboratory animal facilities (equipment) required by level 6 and above shall not exceed 0.5L/min, and the sampling volume shall not be less than 1.0L.

  (6) Result calculation 1. Each measuring point shall be sampled and measured three times under the stable operating conditions of the test equipment, and the average value shall be calculated and the actual measurement result of that point shall be calculated.

  2. To determine the number of dust particles larger than 0.5μm, please obtain the maximum value of each measurement point in a laminar flow clean room. The turbulent clean room uses the average value of each measurement point as the actual measurement result.