How to scientifically number, grab and fix laboratory animals?

  1. Number of experimental animals

  In order to facilitate grouping and identification during the experiment, it is often necessary to pre-calculate the number of experimental animals. The commonly used numbering method is:

  1) Dye marking method:

  Commonly used dyes Red dye: 5% neutral red or magenta liquid; yellow dye: 3% to 5% picric acid solution; coffee dye: 2% silver nitrate solution, black dye: coal tar in ethanol. The marking rules are based on the colors of different coats on experimental animals, and different animals are painted with different chemicals. How to mark rabbits, dogs and other animals-Dip a brush with another color of dye and write the numbers directly on the animal's back. If you use silver nitrate solution for writing, you need to expose it to sunlight for 1 minute. Traces of rats and mice. Usually, colored spots are drawn on different parts of the animal, and different numbers are displayed.

  2) Piercing method: Use a special punch to punch holes or gaps in different parts of the animal’s ears to indicate a certain number. This method is one of the most commonly used labeling methods on mice.

  3) List numbering method: This method is simple and practical, and is usually used to number large animals (such as dogs and monkeys). Number round or square metal plates, usually made of aluminum or stainless steel. Before testing, fix it on the animal's collar or ear.

  4) How to number the artificial acupuncture: first take off the animal's skin, pierce the animal's skin with a needle, and then paint with ethanol ink.

  2. Capture and fix experimental animals

  will not adversely affect the health of animals, will not affect the observation indicators, prevent animal bites, and grasp the experimental animals correctly, so that the experiment can proceed smoothly. fixed. The method of grasping and fixing the experimental animal depends on the content of the experiment and the type of animal. Before catching a fixed animal, it is necessary to understand the general habits of different animals. When grasping and fixing, care should be taken to be thick, bold and flexible, so that the fixed experimental animal can be grasped correctly without damaging the animal. purpose.

  1) How to hold and fix the mouse

  The mouse is very gentle and usually does not chew. When crawling forward, grab the skin of the ear and neck of the mouse with the thumb and index finger of the left hand, place the body of the mouse in the center of the left hand, straighten the hind limbs, press the tail of the mouse with the ring finger, and press the hind legs with the little finger. press. If you are experienced, you can directly hook the tail of the rat with the little finger of your left hand, and then quickly pinch the skin behind the neck with your thumb, index finger or middle finger. This fixation method can be used for tube feeding, subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection, intraperitoneal injection and other experimental procedures in laboratory animals. For dissection, surgery, heart bleeding, tail vein injection, etc., the mouse should be fixed to a specific shape. For anatomical surgery and heart hemorrhage, place the animal in the dorsal position (anesthetize if necessary), and use pins to fix the forelimbs and hindlimbs of the rat on the wax plate in turn. If you want to inject the tail vein, you can use the mouse tail vein injection stent for fixation. First, adjust the mouse by selecting a suitable bracket according to the size of the animal, open the mouse tube cover, move the mouse tail by hand, and feed the animal's head toward the mouth of the mouse tube and insert it into the tube. After an appropriate length, the tail is exposed, the tube cap is fixed, and tail vein injection or tail vein blood sampling is performed.

  2) How to grasp and fix the mouse

  The grip of a mouse is basically the same as that of a mouse, but the tip of a mouse is sharper than that of a mouse. Not only is it difficult to grasp by attack, but you will be bitten and scratched. You can wear canvas gloves to prevent bites. For intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous injection and tube method, the left hand can also be used to fix it. Hold the mouse’s ears with your thumb and index finger, and then use the remaining three fingers to squeeze the mouse’s skin tightly and place it in the left palm. Perform various experimental operations. You can also open the tiger's mouth on the left side and grab it quickly from behind. Before surgery or dissection, anesthesia or execution is required. Then tie the legs with a thin cotton strap and tie them to the rat fixed plate at the dorsal position. Tail vein injection fixation is the same as mouse fixation (just change the fixed frame). One mouse fixed box is enough).

  3) How to catch and fix a guinea pig

  Guinea pigs are relatively timid and easy to fear, so don't irritate or scare them. A common grasp method is to quickly grasp the rat's back with the palm of the hand, grasp the upper part of the shoulder bone, hold the neck with the thumb and index finger ring, and then use the other hand to support the buttocks. The fixing method is basically the same as that of the mouse.

  4) Rabbit

  is more flexible, but its claws are sharper and should be protected from scratches. Hold the skin behind the neck with one hand and gently lift the rabbit with the other hand and support the hips. In addition, hold the skin behind the neck with your hands and support the rabbit's body with your hands. The fixing method can be determined according to experimental needs. For example, you can use a rabbit ear vascular injection to fix it in a rabbit box. For experiments for abdominal injection, surgery and blood pressure measurement, the rabbit should be fixed on the rabbit operating table, and the rabbit head can be fixed with a rabbit head clamp.