The Humane Execution of Laboratory Animals and the Disposal System of Corpses

  1. When the lifespan of experimental animals must be terminated, humane means must be used to terminate the lifespan of experimental animals. Rats and mice can use cervical dislocation, inject air needles into guinea pigs and guinea pigs, hit the back of the brain with a wooden stick, and cause aortic bleeding under anesthesia.

  2. After each experiment, collect dead animal carcasses (usually dead or humanely terminated animals) in plastic garbage bags, and do not mix with other experimental garbage. Put this bag in the refrigerator and record the dead animals.

  3. Animal carcasses stored in the refrigerator are processed in a medical waste treatment unit.

  Environment and equipment monitoring and management system

  1. Sterilizer: After each disinfection, use a 121°C chemical indicator card to check the disinfection effect. Use a biological indicator made of thermophilic bacteria every quarter and sterilize it in a sterilizer. After incubation, observe the color change of the indicator to judge the disinfection effect.

  2, drinking water and drinking water purifier: perform sterility test once a month. A simpler method is to take aseptic sampling, incubate in broth for 24 hours, and then incubate the medium for 48 hours to see if the colony grows.

  3. Feed sterility test: every batch is tested. The procedure is the same as the animal drinking water test.

  4. Garbage sterility inspection: regular random inspection, the method is the same as above.

  5. Ultraviolet lamp irradiation intensity measurement: measured according to the time of use. If you need to use a UV intensity tester for measurement and the intensity is lower than the national standard 75 mw/cm2, the exposure time should be increased or updated.

  6. Determine the concentration of peracetic acid: The peracetic acid used must be prepared once a month. For each batch of purchased chemical raw materials, the effective concentration must be measured to ensure the sterilization effect.

  7. Measurement of indoor falling bacteria: Measure according to working conditions, and measure once a month according to national environmental standards.

  8. Environmental testing: clean animal facilities will be tested once a month in accordance with national standards within the first week to test abnormal conditions and take emergency measures.