Animal experiments show that fried food exacerbates enteropathy

  Crispy fried foods are popular all over the world. However, a new animal experiment conducted by American researchers shows that fried foods can exacerbate bowel diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer. They called on people with bowel disease or those at high risk to eat less fried foods.

  Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst have published related papers in the new issue of the American Journal of Cancer Prevention Research. They added a mixture of frying oil and fresh vegetable oil to the food of a group of mice, while only fresh vegetable oil was added to the food of the control group of mice. The results showed that the inflammation of the colon of the mice consuming the mixed oil showed signs of aggravation, the intestinal tumor was twice as large as the control group, and the intestinal leakage worsened, causing bacteria to enter the blood circulation.

  Researchers believe that the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in oil plays an important role in inflammation in the body after heating. In the frying process of edible oil, the oil is continuously and repeatedly used at high temperature, and oxidation, polymerization, cracking and hydrolysis reactions occur. The generated carbonyl, carboxyl, ketone, aldehyde and other compounds are more polar than normal vegetable oil molecules. , So it is called a polar compound.

  To test this hypothesis, the researchers separated polar compounds from the frying oil and fed them to mice. The results showed that the progression of enteropathy in these mice was similar to that of mice fed frying oil, which proved that polar compounds played a key role in the inflammatory response.

  However, the researchers emphasized that their research results do not mean that eating fried foods or frying oil will cause cancer, but remind people with bowel problems that eating fried foods will cause enteritis, bowel cancer and other intestinal diseases. Worse, so patients with bowel disease or people at high risk of bowel disease should eat less fried foods.