Establishment of Potentilla anserine myocardial infarction model and analysis of gene expression profile in infarct marginal zone

  Objective: To establish a model of myocardial infarction (myocardial infarction) using Potentilla chinensis miniature pigs and clinically important model indicators, and to study the correlation between gene expression and metabolic compensation in the area around myocardial infarction.

  Method: Select 13 male Potentilla piglets and group them randomly. Among them, five are the sham operation control group, five are the myocardial infarction operation group, and three are the normal control group without surgical treatment. After anesthesia, the left anterior coronary artery was permanently ligated to the main branch of the descending branch near the root tip, causing myocardial ischemia and infarction. Four weeks after the operation, the heart function was checked by ultrasound, blood was collected, and serum biochemical analysis was performed; after euthanasia, the area around the infarction was collected for pathological and genetic chip analysis.

  Result: The ultrasound image showed a clear area of myocardial infarction. The data showed that compared with the sham operation group, the end-systolic left ventricular drainage rate and short axis shortening rate of the myocardial infarction operation group were reduced by 32% and 40%, respectively. There is aspartate aminotransferase in the serum. , Serum bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, etc. increased; pathological slices showed that myocardial fibers were broken and dissolved in the area around the infarct, combined with tissue proliferation, neutrophils and lymphocytes increased. Gene expression profile analysis includes two pathways for regulating remodeling and histopathology after myocardial infarction; three pathways for inflammation and immune regulation; and eight pathways for energy metabolism of fat, protein and sugar. Gene expression has changed significantly.

   Conclusion: We have successfully established a Potentilla myocardial infarction model, which has few coronary branches, is easy to operate and stable. The characteristics of this model may be consistent with clinical indicators. The gene expression profile characteristics of the peri-infarction area of the model and the clinical characteristics of the upper metabolic compensation showed the same change trend, and the characteristic changes of the reference value in the experimental animal model and the marginal zone of myocardial infarction were used to study the mechanism of myocardial infarction.