Establishment of a rat model of acute gouty arthritis and observation of its maintenance time

  Objective: To establish a rat model of acute gouty arthritis (AGA) and observe its maintenance time. Methods: 25 mg/mL sodium urate (monosodium urate, MSU) crystal suspension was injected into the ankle joint cavity to replicate the rat AGA model. Multiple time points were dynamically observed for 8 days. The local skin temperature and swelling of the tested ankle joint of the rat Degree, gait, synovial fluid inflammatory cells and pathomorphological changes of synovial tissue to determine whether the model is formed and its maintenance time. Results: 3 hours after modeling, ankle joint swelling, elevated skin temperature, abnormal gait, increased number of inflammatory cells in synovial fluid, synovial tissue hyperplasia, capillary hyperemia, and synovial cell arrangement were seen in both the saline group and the model group Inflammation manifestations such as disorder, the above two groups were significantly different from the blank group (P<0.01); 4 hours after modeling, the inflammation manifestations above the normal saline group were significantly reduced, and the difference was significant (P< 0.01), and the model group was worse than that at 3 h (P<0.01), and the difference was significant (P<0.01) compared with the normal saline group; 24 h after modeling, the normal saline group returned to normal, while the model Inflammation in the model group continued to worsen; 48 to 72 hours after modeling, local inflammations such as swelling, skin temperature, and abnormal gait reached a peak in the model group; 96 to 168 hours after modeling, the local inflammation of the ankle joint in the model group gradually decreased, but various indicators Compared with the blank group, the difference is still significant (P<0.01); 192 hours after modeling, the external inflammation such as swelling, skin temperature, and abnormal gait returned to normal in the model group, while the number of inflammatory cells and the pathological changes of synovium were similar to those in the model group. The differences in the blank group were still significant (P<0.01).

   Conclusion: The ankle joint cavity injection of MSU crystal suspension can successfully prepare and identify the AGA rat model 4 hours after modeling, and it can be maintained at least 168 hours after modeling.