Comparative study on rat models of fluorosis of different sexes

  Objective To construct an animal model of male and female fluorosis rats and explore the sex differences of fluorosis? Methods Forty-eight clean SD rats weighing about 150 g were divided into a control group and a fluoride-exposed group. The model group was free to eat fluorine-containing feed, and the feed content was 100 mg/kg. The daily situation of the rats was dynamically observed every three days. Body weight and changes in dental fluorosis. When all female rats and 110 d male rats developed dental fluorosis, blood was taken from the femoral artery and a group of rats were sacrificed. The fluoride ion selective electrode method was used to detect urinary fluoride and bone in rats. Fluorine content? Results The female and male rats in the control group did not show dental fluorosis during the whole experiment? The first appearance of gross dental fluorosis in the female and male rats in the fluoride-exposing group was about 60 days and 80 days after fluorine exposure. About 20 days later? About 30 days after the fluoride exposure, the male and female rats entered the rapid growth phase, and the weight difference between the female and the male rats was significant (P<0.01). With the prolongation of the fluoride exposure time, the weight of the male and female rats in the 110-day fluoride exposure group was higher In the control group? With the prolonging time of exposure to fluoride, the urine fluoride and bone fluoride of female and male rats gradually increased, and the fluoride group was significantly higher than the control group, and the difference was significant (P<0.01). Are there positive correlations? Male mice have higher urine fluoride and bone fluoride than females, and the difference is significant (P <0.01). Urine fluoride and bone fluoride are affected by gender?

  Conclusion The body weight of the male and female rat model of fluorosis? The time when dental fluorosis appears? There are gender differences in urine and bone fluoride levels?