【Animal Modeling】-Animal Model of Digestive System Disease

      (1) Viral hepatitis model

  The general method is to inject the serum of hepatitis B patients to replicate the hepatitis B model. Most laboratory animals are not affected by the hepatitis A virus. There are reports of human hepatitis A in red-faced macaques, rhesus monkeys, humans and wild sh. In recent years, since some duck hepatitis viruses have been found to have characteristics very similar to human hepatitis viruses, the use of ducks as human hepatitis models has also begun to increase.

   (2) Immune hepatitis model

   Patients with chronic or persistent hepatitis have antibodies against hepatocyte components. In 1959, someone abroad immunized guinea pigs with liver tissue suspension and Freund's adjuvant to induce degeneration and necrosis of liver cells. There are also reports that liver membrane protein (LSP) and adjuvants are administered in different doses to establish animal models of immune hepatitis.

   (3) Gastric ulcer and small intestinal ulcer model

   There are many ways to reproduce gastric ulcer and small intestinal ulcer in animals, but the methods used are different, and the ulcer lesions caused by them also have unique characteristics. Have. The commonly used method is

   1. The stress method uses a variety of strong harmful stimuli (forced braking, hunger, cold, etc.) to cause stress ulcers in animals. If the animal is violently immersed in cold water or a pressure tank under continuous electrical stimulation, the liquid will cause gastric mucosal bleeding and ulcers within a day. This method is very simple, with a success rate of over 99%.

  2. Administering or injecting a certain amount of histamine, gastrin, adrenal steroids, salicylate, serotonin, reserpine, and benzobutazone to animals can cause gastrointestinal ulcers in animals. For example, taking low-dose histamine for several days in guinea pigs can cause stomach, duodenal, and esophageal ulcers. Another example is reserpine, serotonin, and aspirin, which can induce gastric ulcers in rats or mice.

  3. The ablation method uses electrodes to burn the stomach wall of the fundus of the stomach. This may lead to human-like gastric ulcer lesions. The use of concentrated acetic acid on the stomach wall of rats or on the serous surface of the stomach wall can cause chronic ulcers. The advantage of cauterization to replicate gastric and intestinal ulcer models is that the method is simple and the ulcer site can be selected by the author himself.

   4. The pyloric condensate method uses rats, mice or guinea pigs. After anesthesia, the skin and muscle layers of the abdominal wall were opened aseptically from the center of the abdomen under the xiphoid process. The incision is about 3 cm long, exposing the stomach and moving it to the right along the stomach to distinguish gently. At the junction of the hilum and duodenum, avoid the blood vessels and thread underneath to completely ligate the pylorus. Fasting and no water after surgery. Pyloric ligation stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and causes the accumulation of highly acidic gastric juice in the stomach, causing gastric ulcers. This type of ulcer replication method is simple, occurs quickly and has a high success rate, but the lesion is relatively shallow. Strictly speaking, it is still an acute hemorrhagic erosion of the gastric mucosa. Far away from the typical lesions of human gastric ulcer, it is suitable for looking for anti-ulcer diseases. Drug research and etiology research of gastric ulcer. Other surgical procedures can also be used to remove alkaline bile, pancreatic juice, or duodenal juice from the upper intestine. These neutralizing solutions can neutralize gastric acid and cause ulcers. It can also cause ulcers due to irritation, damage or damage to brain tissue.