Establishment and preliminary analysis of hyperlipidemia cynomolgus monkey model

  Objective: To establish a hyperlipidemia cynomolgus monkey model with similar characteristics of human diseases, and to provide an ideal animal model for the development of lipid-lowering drugs (especially biological lipid-lowering drugs).

  Methods: The optimized and finalized semi-liquid, high-sugar and high-fat dietary emulsion was administered to male cynomolgus monkeys in the treatment group by nasal feeding for 6 days a week, and the monkey body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI) and total serum cholesterol were monitored regularly (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and other indicators, analyze the trend of changes in blood lipid indicators. Results: Compared with the corresponding control group, by the 3rd month of modeling, all 6 middle-aged and old male cynomolgus monkeys and 5 adult male cynomolgus monkeys in the treatment group were successfully modeled, and all treatments were performed by the 21st month of modeling. Group male cynomolgus monkeys still maintained a higher blood lipid level.

  Conclusion: Quantitative feeding of semi-liquid high-sugar and high-fat dietary emulsion for 3 consecutive months can successfully prepare a hyperlipidemia cynomolgus monkey model, which has the characteristics of hypercholesterolemia and high-low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia, and can be used for Study on pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia and evaluation of preclinical efficacy of drugs.