Establishment of genetic quality evaluation method for closed population of mullet goby

  Purpose   To analyze the genetic difference between the closed population and the wild population of mullet goby, and establish a genetic quality evaluation method for the closed population of mullet goby.

  Method   Use 20 microsatellite markers to perform STR typing on wild and closed populations of mullet goby, calculate genetic heterozygosity and genetic differentiation between populations, and analyze the influence of sample size on genetic parameters. Results The average unbiased expected heterozygosity (He) of 20 microsatellite loci in the closed group and wild group of mullet goby was 0.6927 and 0.7162, respectively. The genetic differentiation between the closed group and the wild group was small. And when the sample size reaches more than 30 tails, the average number of alleles tends to be stable.

  Conclusion Whether the genetic heterozygosity is between 0.5 and 0.7 can better distinguish the closed group of mullet goby from the wild population, and it is suitable for judging whether the genetic quality of the closed group of mullet goby is qualified or not. index.