Obesity becomes the "most dangerous signal" for diabetes

  In recent years, the prevalence of diabetes has increased rapidly and is showing a trend of younger age. One of the important reasons is the obesity caused by the unhealthy lifestyle. Guo Xiaohui, director of the Department of Endocrinology, Peking University First Hospital, said in an interview with Xinhuanet that one of the key to controlling diabetes in young people is to "keep your mouth shut and open your legs."

   "Irregular meals" is a "major hidden danger"

  In people's impression, diabetes seems to be far away from young people, but the reality is that the age of diabetes is significantly advanced. According to an epidemiological survey in 2013, the prevalence of diabetes among people over 18 years of age in my country was 11.6%, which was 9.7% in 2010. In recent years, the prevalence of diabetes has increased significantly and is showing a younger trend.

   Type II diabetes is a common endocrine and metabolic disease, and obesity is currently considered to be the main risk factor for diabetes. From a clinical point of view, obese type II diabetic patients have the three high characteristics of hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. "Among the various complex factors that induce diabetes, obesity is the most dangerous signal. To prevent and treat diabetes, one must control weight." Guo Xiaohui said. "In the past, type II diabetes usually started after the age of 40, but now people in their 30s also have the disease, and the overall trend is younger. The most important reason is the modern unhealthy lifestyle, especially concentrated on diet and exercise. Aspect." Guo Xiaohui said that the eating habits of modern young people are mainly high-protein, high-fat, and high-calorie “three high” foods. The three meals are irregular, which has a great impact on health and is caused by diabetes or abnormal glucose metabolism. A major hidden danger. Guo Xiaohui suggested that you can pay attention to observing and calculating the calorie information on food packaging bags to reduce the intake of unhealthy calories such as high fat, high salt, and high sugar. In addition, many young people now lack exercise, go in and out of the car, and take the elevator up and down, which further accumulates heat and leads to obesity. Therefore, the key for young people to control their weight and prevent diabetes is to "control their mouths and open their legs."

   Guo Xiaohui especially emphasized the importance of breakfast. If you eat a good breakfast, the human body can obtain sufficient energy supply and provide consumption. Diet and digestion are also energy-consuming. Energetic can also consume more calories. If you do not eat breakfast, the overall metabolic status of the human body will decline.

   For the prevention and treatment of childhood diabetes, Guo Xiaohui said that parents should supervise their children to exercise while paying attention to their children’s diet. "The main cause of type 2 diabetes in children is obesity. If you control your weight, your blood sugar and blood lipids will drop. But obesity is really difficult to solve." Guo Xiaohui said.

  Diabetic patients cannot stop or reduce medication at will

   Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires a long-term treatment process, and even a lifetime after the onset, so long-term medication and insulin injection are required. However, many diabetics and their family members are resistant to drugs, unable to accept drugs for a lifetime, and are afraid of dependence on drugs or side effects. They have the notion that "the drug is three-point poison". However, there is currently no cure for diabetes. The only way to delay the onset of diabetes complications is to control blood sugar. Most patients in the middle and late stages must take long-term medication or injections. If a diabetic does not follow the doctor's instructions to reduce or stop the medication, blood sugar will rise quickly.

  Guo Xiaohui pointed out that diabetic patients must correctly face the reality of long-term medication and adhere to standardized medication in order to protect their long-term health, otherwise it will cause more serious consequences. "Diabetic patients are prone to atherosclerosis, and cardio-cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction belong to the category of atherosclerotic diseases. Therefore, diabetic patients must standardize medication to avoid atherosclerosis." Guo Xiaohui said, Faced with the possible side effects of drugs, patients with diabetes who have been taking drugs for a long time can regularly check liver function, blood lipids, etc., and pay attention to monitoring physical indicators.