Scientists discover new pathogenic mechanism of influenza virus

  Recently, the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, jointly established by Guangzhou Medical University and Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health of Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered and confirmed for the first time in the world that influenza A virus M2 protein blocks autophagosomes through hydrogen ion channel activity. Fusion with lysosomes, thereby inhibiting the important mechanism of autophagy degradation.

   Studies have found that influenza virus infection can affect the process of autophagy. Influenza viruses can cause autophagosome accumulation in vitro and in vivo, but how influenza viruses affect autophagy and its mechanism of action are still controversial. The research group found that the M2 protein blocked the fusion of autophagosomes and lysosomes through its ion channel activity and inhibited the degradation of autophagy. At the same time, it confirmed that the M2 protein blocking autophagy does not depend on the Beclin1/PI3 Kinase complex signaling pathway. . This study provides important clues to further elucidate the mechanism of influenza virus on autophagy and to further explore the mechanism of autophagy mediating inflammation and lung damage during influenza virus infection, and provides important clues for the research to reduce high pathogenicity through intervention The strategy of excessive inflammatory response and lung injury caused by sexual avian influenza virus infection provides an important basis.